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POV:Yukishira Hiro

Now that I think about it,all of my actions up until now have been for myself,even during the uninhabited island exam,I still operated to different situations all by myself and only for myself.

This was technically the first time I've ever occompanied someone back somewhere because of their intentions instead of mine.

"So who was that girl that called you?"

She looked in my direction,it wasn't like she liked me to ask the question,it was because she was informed to watch over me whenever the president was away.

"Ichika Amasawa,she's someone I know back from when I was still in childhood.She's an annoying brat that always finds a way to annoy me no matter the situation,ignore her if she ever calls you is my advise."

I genuinely didn't like her and even if I tried to,I'd eventually lose my composure around her.I suppose you could say that she was a sort of weakness to me as I can easily lose myself to her and let my guard down.

Suddenly,a message appeared on my phone as I took it out of my pocket.

Probrably something about a special exam,would there be another reason to message me? Actually I have a good idea why.

The other day,Chabashira texted me to ask what I thought the next special exam would be.Naturally I had no idea as there were no leads towards there being a special examso early after what happened at the martial arts exam.

"What is it?"

"Something about the next special exam,apperantly there will be a special target among each school year so that means you guys will have to participate aswell."

I started to copy the message and send it to Tachibana,this whole message situation wasn'y anything new but normally second years and third years would receive them slower which would be a disadvantage.

"This exam will a person from each year to act as a commander for that specific year,same goes for all of them.This leader will be chosen tomorrow during class and this leader of the year can choose people to help them win against the other years."

"Isn't that unfair?"

I stopped half way to look at Tachibana in the eyes,sure on the surface this exam would be unfair to the lower years but this had nothing to do something like that.

"This exam will be just like any normal test from what I undersand,thus this could actually be fair to some extent."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Well look at it this way.Science,Math,Japanease,English and other subjects,if I'm right that this exam will include those subjects then there's a low chance that the school will release a hard exam."

A maximum of 10 students may be chosen per year and the year that wins this exam will have the prizes that follow:

1st place:2 million private points for every student in the year

2nd place:1 million private points for every student in the year

3rd place:500000 private points for every student in the year

"At first glance these prizes look absurd but if you about this properly,are they really that absurd?"

"Again,I have no idea what you're talking about,Hiro-kun."

"What I'm talking about is that the school isn't giving class points as a reward because of the fact that it includes you third years.If that's the case then they will have to release questions that will be fair to every year in he school."

Even if it's a wildcard,there's a 50% chance for every year to win in a case like this.

"Hmm,I understand now.Well I thank you for escorting me to my dorm room."

It's creepy how this girl is so well mannered.Anyway no back to the main event....

I finally arrived back to my room by myself after a few minutes of walking,to be honest the day ended better than I would have expected but in the end there was one thing I had to check.

Another love letter at my door? This sender is starting to creep me out in a way.....

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