Break Announcement

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A/N:Hey! It's me! I just wanted to say that I'll be taking a break from making this story for about a whole week. Why? Well now adays I'm getting really tired and doesn't really have the motivation to continue...yet,just wait for around a week and I'll get right back into the swing of things.

In the mean time you can think of how these lines from the story will connect:

"Hiro-kun? What are you Horikita?"

"Kiyotaka do you know anything about Hiro-kun?"

"I bow to now one,not you,not god. I forge my own path Chabashira,remember that."

"Kiyotaka,make sure to give it your all because I intend to beat you. Both physically and academically."

There,a lot will be happening in the next four chapters and who knows maybe the last line means a fight? Meh I don't know (says the one that made the drafts).

Anyway I'll see you all in a week,of course I'll still be on Wattpad every now and then to read some stories,I'll be more active on reading actual stories now who knew? Welp see yall in a week!

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