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POV:Yukishira Hiro

"That's about it,no one should be able to enter the room or even hear us at this point.I don't under stand why you would want so many precautions to be honest."

I was in my room along with Arisu Sakayanagi,my childhood friend in a sense.She ordered me to lock up ever single hole in my room and even use some tape cover smaller holes so that no one could listen in on our conversation.

I know she's careful but this is just rediculous,is this exam seriously that important?

If it weren't for the fact that Sakayanagi instructed everyone in class-A to vote for me,she might have won the year vote by a massive amount.

"Come,lay down."

She looked at me with her mischievous grin of her's,it freaked me out but what did more was the fact that she willingly let me lay on her lap as if it were a pillow.

Of course I felt tired so I accepted it without a second thought.

"You must have been so tired these past few days,Yuki-kun."

You could say that again,that devil calls me five times everyday now and I can barely get any sleep because she calls in the middle of the night too.

From a normal person's view,muting her would have solved all problems but I already did that,she was able to call me despite that because she knew password to my phone from the outside and was able to hack into it.

At this point,I seriously considered replacingly this phone but I left that plan for last as Amasawa did keep me company from time to time.

"Question Sakayanagi,what kind of panties do you like?"

Probrably a stupid question to ask her,but I don't really know any underwear types,only I know that one....

She seemed shocked with the sudden question,she didn't expect me to ask such a question whatsoever as I wasn't the type.

Her grin grew wider as she carressed my head while picking up my phone and going through whatever she was going through.I couldn't see what she was doing the entire time as I was enjoying the moment of actualy rest.

"What underwear type I like? What a bold question,why do you ask that all of the sudden?"

"No reason."

"There has to be a reason,you never opperate without a reason.May I ask what kind of under type you know?"

Seriously? Why is she asking the question back,I can't even see anything because of her hand.....but it feels so good.....can'

"I suppose I only know about THONGS-"

"Alright,and send~"


I suddenly sat and and snatched my phone away from her and scrolled through the messages.Apperantly she sent the answer 'My favourite panty type are black thongs I guess' to Amasawa which was my WORST nightmare.She even typed in the colour I liked,I never knew how she knew my favourite colour though.

It would have been fine if you could delete messages,but you couldn't for some reason.What made this situation worse was the fact that Amasawa was online and checked that message immediatly and send a text message with the following context:

["Wow senpai~ I never knew you liked stuff like that,want me to send you a picture of me wearing one after buying one~???"]

This is the WORST possible outcome EVER.

Sakayanagi pulled a reverse card and snatched the phone away from me aswell while I saw her clearly type 'Yes,please!'.

This little piece of shit.....smug loli.....

I was frozen in place,completely angered and confused by the sudden turn of events as Sakayanagi gave me my ohone back.

"Well then,back to the original topic."

"Wai-holy shit...."

She wasn't kidding when she said she would take a picture....wait she isn't even wearing clothes! Scrap that,she isn't even wearing a fucking bra!

"Oh~? surprised? Count this as pay back for always ignoring sleep."

So this is the punishment I get? I'm never not sleeping ever again....

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