Bonus:Kushida Down!

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"I swear to my soul,one day you WILL fall in love witg me and once you,I shall make you my butler.Raise your head Enki-kun,I do not wish to see you in this state."
–Arisu Sakayanagi


POV:Yukishira Hiro

"I regret falling for that girl now,wearing this in public is humiliating.....people will seriously think that we're dating if I wore this in public...." Apperantly Sakayanagi had Kamuro deliver something to my room,she told me to wear it on the day of our date so I was obviously curious on what is was.

What I pulled out of my closet was something I did not expect.Out of everything that she would want me to wear for our date today,she chose a butler's outfit....

My entire view of her had a 180 once I saw this,however she insisted that I wore it while going on the date.This was a huge problem as aside from the people that were close to me,my pride was the biggest thing on my list to not ruin,and here goes Sakayanagi trying to destroy it in front of hundreds of people.

Obviously since I've been living mostly by myself and my little sister,I never knew how to wear anything fancy and this was going to be an issue.I suppose Sakayanagi did this to not only humiliate me,but at the same time she wanted me to experience wearing a butler suit.

Not knowing how to wear a suit like this made my situation even worse and at this point I knew relying on Internet-chan here would be a bad idea,mostly because I didn't think Internet-chan gave good advise.

Ugh I'll just go take a shower,I'll think about this crissis tomorrow.I just can't handle all this today.

I started to take off my school uniform while staring at the butler outfit,I found it absolutely disgusting that she wanted me to wear something so formal.After all I didn't think that it would look good on me at all,I had my doubts sure but seriously this was starting to get ridiculous.

Shit,I forgot to get my blazer.....maybe I should text Kiyotaka to get it for me.He should still be there.

I turned on the heater before grapping the towel and messaging Kiyotaka to help me fetch my blazer.After today washing it was needed since it was most likely covered in dirty snow by now.

["Mind grapping my blazer for me? I kind of forgot to get it.Thanks"]

Writing thanks right away would prevent him from declining which I would very much like right now.

["Ok,I'll go get in 5 minutes."]

5 minutes? Are they questioning him that much? I almost feel sorry for the guy,again he should try to experience how to carry out a conversation,it'll definately be needed in the near future.

As I thought that,I went to charge both of my mobile phones before heading to the bathroom to take a warm shower.Since it was still winter and will be winter for another week,a warm shower was kinda needed for me especially since I was naked.

"Ahhh! Man this feels way too good...."

I started humming in the shower while cleaning myself slowly,I wanted to enjoy this for a bit as it was my first time putting the shower on to that warm.

Guess my six pack turned into a eight pack....same as Kiyotaka now huh?

I wanted to catch up to Kiyotaka but I knew that I couldn't,however I could still continue to build my looks so I though why not do that? I mean I've reached my limit in basically everything except for looks.

I was so distracted with these thoughts to the point where I didn't hear the front door open.I mean I heard it but I drove it off as a piece of imagination.

Well I should get out now,it's been 15 minutes so I think that's long enough.

I turned off the shower before wrapping myself around a towel,warm water running down my body that was filled to the brim with muscles.

Hmm? Someone's actually here? So Kiyotaka's already here huh? Why didn't he just leave? Maybe he wants to talk....

I shrugged before openning the door,however the person on the other side shocked me....


"Oh hey Kushida,what's up?" It was Kikyo Kushida who was at the door.At first I didn't know why she was screaming like the bitch she is.

Wh- oh....well shit.If this keeps going then Ike or Yamauchi might come,if that happens my pride will be ruined,sorry Kushida but looks like rap- I mean I'll have to silence you.

Before she could let out any more noise,I quickly dashed behind her and covered her mouth with my left hand before pinning her onto the bed,while naked might I add.

"If you scream anymore,I'll rape you.Got it?" She nodded immediatly right after I said that.I suppose she doesn't want her virginity gone that fast,but why was she blushing she much? It's only seeing a man's rod right? You'd have to see it eventually so why get embaressed about it?

"Good,now that's settl-" The front door slowly openned only to show two faimiliar faces behind it.

"Yuuki,I got your blazer also Matsushita's here" Kiyotaka appeared behind the door,shortly after Matsushita popped out of nowhere and pushed Kiyotaka aside to see why he suddenly froze.

"Hiro-kun! I.....EH? EHHHH?!?!??"

Great,is this one of those coming into the room at the wrong time gigs? Because I'm starting to hate it.

"Well you two keep at it,I'll return your blazer later once you two are done."

"Y-yeah! Make sure t-to...PUT ON PROTECTION TOO!!!!" With that Matsushita pushed Kiyotaka even more before shutting the door.

I should have never given him that copy of my student ID.

"That was something....hey Kushida yo- Kushida? OI! KUSHI-BITCH WAKE UP!" I started to slap the absolute living hell out of Kushida but seemed like she was out cold.Most likely passed out due to being found out in a position like this.

"Well she might be sleeping with me tonight.....better get some clothes on.I should also text those two and tell them it's just a misunderstanding...."

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