Does This Deserve A Tittle?

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POV:Yukishira Hiro?

So....Horikita fell ill today...yeah shocking huh? Apperantly she caught a flu yesterday and wasn't able to come to school today. Thankfully none of our class points were deducted just because she fell ill,though now our class leader is gone and today is supposed to be the day the class discusses the special exam.

Should I step in? Hirata seems to be having trouble. Without Horikita's leadership this class just cannot operate,Hirata can't really cover everything by himself. Even if Ichinose were in a class like THIS,I doubt she would be able to do it in a million years. Thus there's only one option left....

"So does anyone want to sign up fpr the study group?" My chance!

"I can,I don't really have anything to do in my free time anyway. Besides don't I have the highest grades in the class? It'd be the most beneficial for us if I joined this study group." This is a perfect chance to steal a bit of leadership from Horikita.

"I agree! If Yuuki teaches us his methods then I'm sure we'll ascend quickly to class-A!" Mii-chan stood up and said that...honestly what happened?

"Ooohhh~ so they're on first name basis already huh~ children sure do move quick." Harukaa-san shut the hell up,my god it's not like you're my mom...she's in the school right freaking now!

"Haha....anyway we should start right now."

"Eh?! Right now?!" Karuizawa don't be so surprised,Kiyotaka must have informed you of the plan.

"Yeah,it's best to start now than ever and we can still stay another few hours in class so why not learn some things? Remember what Chabashira said? That one worst student from each class will be expelled. If you accept expulsion be my guest but I'd like to keep some capable students." I phrased this directly at Sudou but mainly the three idiots. Huh...gulping out of nervouesness? Suits you right for cheating in the entrance exam.

"Now now,if Hiro-kun is free then it would be more benwficial if he teaches us. Besides there's an academic test for both participants and non-participants!" Slowly everyone started to agree with him.

I hate this but it's going to be a loooong afrernoon....

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