Fight To Your Heart's Content

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POV:Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

The day of the exam was here,from what I could tell most of the students in the school gathered in the gymnasium to spectate the matches between class-A to D.While they were doing that,the people who were picked to fight were inside their classrooms to wait for their teacher's permission to exit out and go to the gymnasium.

Ken Sudou,Yukishira Hiro and I were summarizing our plan for one last time before finally going in to fight.

"So uhh....what's the plan again?"

"You forgot already? Fine I'll say it again but please listen as I'm afraid I won't have another second to explain it again."

Since on the surface Hiro-kun seemed to be the smartest out of our group,he decided that he'd come up with a plan to win this exam though his reason for doing so was still unknown for me.

"Basically our group is composed of people who are either not incredible at physcial combat from what I could tell,well of course excluding you,Sudou.That means you will have to be forced to take on the harder opponents and as your co-fight,I will have to defeat the second fighter of the other class's group."

"If we're lucky then maybe I won't have to do anything."

This entire exam was honestly just based on luck no matter how you looked at it.Aside from the fact that you can choose who will get to fight in the class,there's no telling who will be chosen as the co-fighter and substitute fighter for the matches.Thus Hiro-kun had to make up a strategy that would give us a high chance at winning and that's where Sudou comes in.

Because of Sudou's high physcial strength,there's no doubt that he can defeat one or even two opponents by himself but what Hiro-kun was really worried about was class-C.Sure maybe they're not the most intelligent class but they have people like Albert and Ryuen on their side.

Before long Chabashira-sensei came into the room and ordered us to go to the gymnasium.She didn't say it as harshly as we had thought though,in fact she seemed confident that we would win and it appeared to me that Hiro-kun noticed it too based on his expression.

Maybe for the first time,I can see what he's really capable of.

Despite Hiro-kun having the best grades in our class with them being 95 or above,some people could tell that he was holding back in all of those exams.Even during PE class,he never wanted to participate in swimming or running,all he did was sit in the corner and observe our class from afar.

I remembered the time at the library that was just a whole week ago.I thought that I could gather some information about him but he left me with no weak spots whatsoever,it was almost like he knew who I was and was trying his best to not leak any info about himself to me.

Every I would see him around the school no matter where I was,however the place he visited the most was the cafeteria.That's where I saw him with Arisu Sakayanagi,one of the leaders of class-A was talking to him so casually and he didn't even showed any emotions on his face like me.

I wonder,maybe there's more to him than I thought,maybe this special exam will finally give me some answers.


POV:Yukishira Hiro

Although the rule of 'wear anything you want for this day only' was there,it looked like nobody had taken the chance to wear anything else but their school uniforms in my class.Hell the only person who wore something different was Albert Yamada,he wore a black suit which was deffinately nothing out of the ordinary so there was no point to persue him any further.

Before going to school that morning,I stuffed a pair of rather think black cotton gloves into my pocket.If the rule states that you could wear anything you want then this would count as that anything,from the out side these gloves only look like normal cotton gloves however they were more than that.

They were a pair of gloves that I had used for hand to hand combat in the past,they were just around a few centimetres thick so no one would be able to tell that they were thicker than they let on to be.Despite only being a few centimetres thick,any person that used all their power to punch a brick wall would have that pain nullified but a huge amount which surprised even me when I first used them for combat.

It doesn't count as cheating if the rule literally states that you can wear anything you want right? Sure this might be a power boost but I'll only wear it when things get tough.

As the fighters made it to the gymnasium,we could see that there was a circle drawn on the ground along win the students of this school sitting on chairs just a few metres in front of us.

One of the rules said that 'If a fighter is thrown out of the ring,then it will result in a loss.' so I assumed that this qas the so called ring.

"I welcome all the first year students here for this special Martial Arts Pairing exam.I'm sure that most of you have already read the rules so I won't waste any more time,the first round will be between class-A and class-D,fighters please step up."

Already sensei? Why does it feel like luck hasn't been on my side for the past week,whatever better forget on stalling.

"Remember the plan,Ayanokouji pay attention to their movements and parterns in case one of us losses."

He responded with a light nod as both me and Sudou stepped into the ring on behalf of class-D.

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