So What's The Point?

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

I wondered why this exam took place for hours when we had the group meeting,of course the meeting only lasted a whole hour but outside of that I continued to ponder all day long until I got a text message from Haruki.She toldme to come to her room at night so I decided to wonder around the ship to figure out who the target was.

I never knew killing time could be so boring since I had nearly nothing to do except for exploring the ship.Even if I were assigned to some sort of job,I would have gotten it done by now.

"Hiro-kun! Wait up!"

"Ichinose,I told you not to speak to me so freely in public."

"Sorry I just wanted to talk to you a bit after our last one!"

The last one referred to way before the uninhabited island exam,it was only a few months but I had already forgotten about it at the time.

"So,how did the meeting go? You're in the Rabbit Group right?"

" went ok I guess,I just hope that everyone will be able to get along easier...."

I sighed as Ichinose gave off a sad aura,if I were in her place then I would find it hard to even come close to most people as long as they don't talk to me first.

Looks like I have to cheer her up again,why does Ichinose always have to push herself onto others when they don't really need their help.

"Listen,I have no idea what's going on in your mind but you need to lay down and think about what you're thinking.If you're planning to help others then go for it but remember you need to help yourself first."

"I-I know that but..."

"You're showing your true self to me which means you're not true to yourself at all.For being a class leader you're too paranoid about your own class,step back and take a breather or else you'll lose yourself too easily."

"Oh sorry I forgot about that....umm can you let me go now?"

The serious talk was serious enough for me to pin her against a door but I never took in the possibility that someone could be on the other side.Of course it wasn't because of what I realized but it was because of her facial expression.

Just like her's huh? I can't just let her go easily but I can't risk being caught here.

I removed my hand away from her head as I began to slowly walk towards Horikita's room as it was starting to get late.I was able to see that Ichinose's mouth openned for a split secind but nothing came out of her mouth so I decided to ignore it.

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