Contribution To The Snow

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

Ah strawberry milk,it's a drink that comes in the school with the vending machines and I'm glad it's there.The sweet taste mixed with the milk,hah! It's incredible! Genius almost,however every time I try to taste it something gets brought up and I'll need to step in no matter what I was doing.Most of the time I don't even have a chance to look into the matter clearly mainly because I was always thinking about strawberry milk.

Now having the chabce to drink it how many times I want is amazing,I want this moment never to end.However I know I have a duty....especially now that I'll be taking responsibility for everything that includes the class from now on,but first I need take the 'class leader' title from Horikita.

Honestly judgning by my character that should be easy,I left Kiyotaka to figure the plans to turn every suspicions on me against the acting director.Now all I have to do is just sit back and steal Horikita role....easier said than done.

"Yeah sure,she has that Sudog and multiple people in the class that likes her better.Even if I managed to get Hirata and Karuizawa on my'll still be hard to gain everyone's trust,maybe I should be more sociable?" This was basically my thought process.

True I do have Kushida on my team....well it was forceful but needed nonetheless,anyway her alone won't be enough to tame a class of defects.From my understabd D-class exists to contain all the defective students,if that's the case then everyone has their own defects that I can use against.

I know all of Karuizawa and Kushida's thanks to Kiyotaka....I know mostly everyone's in the class such as Horikita who most likely used to be a loner and is definately still is.Kiyotaka scored 50s in every test and as for me....perhaps they know about my past.

However Hirata is completely unknown to me,what would a seemingly perfect student be doing in class-D? He must have some sort of defect there's no way there isn't,I need to find out though he may just agree to me taking the leader role if I push him enough....

"The night's beautiful.....the moon's bright and the snow's white.....huh reminds me of something else that's whit- oof!" The fuck? Who on earth bumped into me when I was just about to make a joke about cu- I mean coins.

"Ah s-sorry...I'll be goi-"

"Eh? Satou?" Fuck,I unleashed a bit of my true nature for her to see....hopefully she didn't notice that.Why is she crying though? Did something bad happen?

"H-Hiro-kun...? I'm sorry I should be going now....." Oh that play huh? No you took a glance at me when I showed you my true side by accident.

"No,let's talk about it.If you don't want to do it in person then please give me your contact info,we'll talk it over on the phone." She nodded at that huh? Wait which one? Guessing she doesn't want to talk in perso-

"I-it's fine....I'll just g-go off no-"

"Why are you so hard to deal with? Come on,we're going to your room to speak the details." Geez girls....I was thinking on going to sleep immediatly after going to Keyaki Mall and telling my sister about strawberry milk....fine looks like I'll need to go home late.

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