Dominance Over Extinction

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POV:Yukishira Hiro?

Today is the day the new special exam will be announced,I came to school at my usual time after working out and jogging around the school. Chabashira told us to come to school earlier than normal so that she could explain the rules of the special exam and still have classes. This made me even more curious what this special exam is,even waiting in the classroom,I can't keep myself from being excited.

"I suppose I'm distancing myself a bit...."

"Why do you say that Hiro-kun?" I know that voice anywhere ,mainly because he's one of the precious jewels of the class.

"Nothing Hirata,I just didn't get that much sleep last night."  Technically that wasn't a lie,I haven't been able to get s good night of sleep since a week ago with the acting director. Still I can't find a reason why he would want to expel me....

"Is that so? You shiuld try to get more sleep then,you're the greatest in the year after all! Your academic abilities,even if they decreased at sone point managed to surpassed Sakayanagi's and your physical ability is insane."

"You're giving me a bit too much credit,say why are YOU in class-D Hirata?" Yousuke Hirata,he's a strange character I have yet to understand. His academic and physical abilities are quite flawless on the surface,even if there are flaws to them it doesn't mean he's not qualified for class-B or if he's lucky class-A,yet he's in a class full of defects....

"I shiuld be asking that question to you too,Hiro-kun." He said with a smile....really this guy's confusing. I don't get what he's thinking at all behind that smile.

"Alright class,head back to your seats. A new special exam has been announced." Ah there's my favourite bitch,well not like I know any other bitches besides her,still Chabashira mind being a bit kinder? Maybe you'll even get yourself a boyfriend and not be a virgin despite that body anymore.

"......So? Why aren't any of you asking anything? Usually Ike would be the one showering me with questions."

"It's because we know you by now sensei! Right guys?" The whole nodded but a few people,of course I'm not included in the few people that did nod in response. Still after what seems to be a year Ike's grown,if I had the option to expel him I would but his camping knowledge showed to be a huge asset in the class,I just can't expel him in case another special exam like that were to come along.

"Hah,all of you really have grown from a few months ago. Now let's discuss the next special exam." About time.

"The next special exam is called the 'Elite Exam' and will be taken place next week,more than enough time to prepare I'd say. Each class will have to choose 5 students to participate in this exam,while those who were not chosen will also have to take a series of academical and physical test,nothing too serious compared to the five." So far nothing new.....but I feel like something unsettling is coming.

"Those who were chosen for the special exam will have ti compete against the third year and second year students in various activities such as mental games,high academic tests and tag." Tag? That seems a bit random,though the others seem strangely easy? What's the cat-

"So what's the catch here sensei? Surely there's one." Sudou took the words straight out of my mouth.

"Of course there will be penalties given to the students that place last in the special exam in each of their respective classes,those four students will have to face expulsion." That isn't that ba- wait everyone's faces are grim...oh wait I'm the only one that doesn't need to worry about expulsion,I'm way too confident for my own good.

"However those chosen for the special exam itself will not have to face that penalty,though the class points and private points their class will receive are on their hands. The ranking between the classes are as follows."

1st place - 600 class points and 500000 private points per person

2nd place - 400 class points and 375000 private points per person

3rd place - 200 class points and 250000 private points per person

4th place - 100 class points and 125000 private points per person

Wow,the rewards are quite unfair in a way,I guess that old man really wants me to go all out. Not like I had a choice anyway.

"The two top students of each class will gain one protection point,protection points are used to prevent an expulsion." Protection points,I heard of those from Tachibana a few weeks ago....

"That will be all for now,each of the special tests in the exam will be anmounced once the special exam begins. Until then please choose who will be in the special exam."

That's it huh? This exam is targeted god damn it.....this is serioisly going to be annoying but protections points are something I'm interested in...haha! This is going to be so much fun!

Classroom Of The Elite:Forging Legacy [On Hold]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora