Zodiac Sign Under The Sand

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

After the talk I had with Suzune Horikita,I had permission to continue to sleep in her room as a sort of 'thanks for cooperating' but I could tell that something was wrong with her.

I confirmed that she was not sick anymore,so I was quite confused when I woke up and walked out of her room.At this point I had gotten enough rest but I still didn't want to hold any type of burden on my shulders especially right after I passed out.

When I left the room,I was greeted by a very unfamiliar face,in fact it was someone I had never seen in the school so I was very intrigued at the ver least.

"You're Yukishira Hiro of class-D I take?"

Impressive,I suppose this guy must be important if he knows who I am.In that case keeping my guard up is a great idea if he's who I think he is.

"Your name is Manabu Horikita right? Suzune Horikita's borther and former student council president?"

"It appears you've heard of me,I'll get straight to the point then.I want you to join the student council."

Joining the student council was the last thing I wanted for multiple reasons but the most critical one of all was the fact that I already found the school a bit suspicious ever since the that one Sudo incident.

"So? What is your verdict going to be?"

"Although the offer is tempting,for my own sake I would like to decline."

"I see....could you tell me your reason?"

It appeared to me that he didn't accept my previous reason before,I had to agree with him since even I would never easily believe that.

"Think of it like this,if I were to be on the student council it's true that I may be able to uncover the school's secreat just like that.However there was one thing that didn't sit well with me."

"And that was?"

He tilted his head towards me as he began to walk past me,seeing that the conversation was about to end.

"You need to find that out by yourself,for all you know I could be completely lying to you."

He showed a hint of irritation to me just by the look on his face.Rather than stopping there and continue to walk fowards,he decided to completely walk past me and ignore what I had said.

Just after that,I had gotten an email on my phone regarding another special exam.

Just when I thought I could get a good rest,why now of all times though.This school has a whole bunch of problems at this point.

I carefully read through the text to see what the exam was about.This exam,although at first sight might be quite easy,on the down side you could lose a lot of points at the same time.

"Well no need to look any further,already know which group I'm going to be in."

I turned off my phone and decided to walk down the hallway in order to go outside and have a breather.The exam was going to start tomorrow so I had some time to prepare.

"While I would love to join the student council,I'm afraid it's way too big of a risk to join without any intel first."

I said to myself while leaning against a rail on the outside of the ship.What would I have to gain? What would I have to lost? I tried to calm my breathing as my anxienty began to fade into the blue ocean.

"About three years have passed since we talked,I wonder when I'll be able to see her again."

"See...who again?"

Before me was someone I talked to quite frequently believe it or not,I suppose you could call her a friend but I,myself wouldn't go that far yet,that's just what she calls us in class.

"Haruka,what are you doing here instead of hanging iut with the other girls? Also I thought I told you to give me some room to think before we went onto this cruise ship."

In my eyes,this girl also known as Haruka Hasebe was someone who was capable of telling my emotions to some degree.In that sense I suppose I could say we were close but I still viewed her as a classmate,not a member of the oppesite sex.

"So what are doing? Don't tell me you're trying to knock yourself out again."

"No,actually I'm trying to have a rest so if you would..."

"Well ok but I'm coming to your room tonight to study! Oh almost forgot,you're in the Dragon Group right? Kushida was looking for you so during the meeting maybe you could find her?"

I nodded in response,to be honest I had absoluty no idea why she wanted to meet up with me nor did I had the energy to think of something like that yet.I was just going to go with the flow and see what will happen at that point.

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