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POV:Yukishira Hiro

After Chabashira left the classroom,all in my year students were given an e-mail about the rules of the special exam.

Apperantly any form of fighting technique would be accepted as long as you don't go as far as giving them injuries that would result in death.Participants were also given the option of wearing any clothes they want for the day of the exam which reminded me of a black pair of gloves I brought along with me before entering the school for protection meassures.

This exam was definately one I could call high risk high reward as the private points we would receive was quite the high amount.

In an exam like this is where people like Ken Sudou who is most likely the second strongest person in the first year would shine right behind Albert Yamada and third who was Kakeru Ryuen.

"So we're completely sure that we'll choose Sudou for this exam?"

Sudou,Horikita,Ayanokouji and Hirata were discussing who would be participating this exam.Horikita was definately serious this exam as she then turned towards me and appose me with this question.

"Hiro-kun,what do you think of this exam?"

I knew she would ask me this,but that compass she's holding is giving me danger signals and is telling me to run away from her with every muscle in my body.

I didn't have proof but it felt almost as if she was going to stab me to death if I didn't answer her in around five more seconds.I still valued my life and if 'High schooler stabbed to death by a girl with a compass' made it into the newpaper,I don't think I could live even in death.

"Choosing Sudou is a good idea,his high physical strength makes him a huge carry in this exam but what about the second fighter and the substitute fighter?"

"That's right but don't worry Suzune! No matter who comes at me I'll beat them senseless!"

That made me think about Honami Ichinose,I was worried of the fact that she definately wasn't the kind to take an exam like this easy.Especially because class-B was more brains than brawns so if they went up against a class like class-A,they would definately be obliterated.

Speaking of class-A,it's not that I'm worried of Sakayanagi because there was no chance she would be picked to fight.I could imagine that Katsuragi would be decent at fighting but her class is the exact same as class-B.

"Even if you can take other classes by yourself,think about who your allies would be.For example if Chabashira were to choose someone like Ike as a second fighter and then Sakura as a substitute fighter,no offense but we would definately lose no matter the scenerio.You might be strong Sudou,but you can get out numbered really quickly."

I understand that was harsh but it was the truth,if we wanted to win this then the best way to approuch this exam is to think of every single possibility possible in the span of two days.The exam was going to take place in five days and the fighters will be announced on Friday but I wasn't going to not take any chances if it meant winning.

Why am I going so far to win? I don't even want to stand out but I want to win...maybe it's the promise with Horikita?

"Oh that's right! What about class-C?"

Nice call Hirata.

"The main reason we need a good team is because of class-C alone,they have people like Ishizaki,Ibuki,Ryuen and not to mention Albert."

I understood why Horikita was so caustious of class-C,after all that was the class with the most ampunt of physical strength and especially Albert Yamada.I could imagine that he's good at close combat aswell which is what worries me too.

"The best team to make here in my opinion is Sudou,Horikita and Hirata."

"That's what I was thinking Ayanokouji,however what's to say class-C won't cheat?"

They nodded in agreement,this exam was one that I couldn't hold back in especially because there was a chance I would get chosen to fight.

"Yukishira Hiro please see yourself to the principal's office this instant."

Why me? I didn't even do anything to deserve this...great they're looking.

"We'll continue this tomorrow,ain the mean time try to come up with every single possible outcome while I'm away."

I stood and started to leave the classroom,I needed to be quick about this since class was about to start but I couldn't be quick about it at all.I was wondering why the director of the school would call me to his office,from my knowledge I had done nothing to deserve this so if anything it annoyed me.

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