Why Accept A Trivial Deal?

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

A whole day,that's actually all the time I needed to prepare the test sheets from what information I could gather.I could guess what the questions on the test are going to be because the last test was the exact same as the previous one.

Of course I would never give my classmates the exact same questions on the sheets of papers,where's the fun in doing something like that?

Although all I needed was really just one day I already had plans previously,which is why I extended it to two days instead.

I don't habe any problems helping a class,hell I don't care what happens to the class but if someone were to be expelled I'd like not to know what would happen.

"The test sheets are done,now I just need to continue with my to-do list."

I start going to class-B to find something,or actually to make it more specific someone.

"Huh,guess everyone already headed back to the dorms,at least class D and C still has some students left but looks like everyone from class A and B left already."

Hmm? Looks like my target is somewhere else.By looking through the windows in class-B I can clearly see....Kiyotaka Ayanokouji and Honami Ichinose.

"Is she confessing to him? Or is it the other way around? Either way I don't really care,I just need some info out of her."

I said out loud,if someone were to here that they would most definately try and figure out what kind of information I want.

"Let's just get this over with."

I start to make my way downstairs.Ichinose,once you're down with whatever you're doing I may need your help.

Part 2
POV:Yukishira Hiro

"Gosh even though Ayanoukoji-kun said it's the right thing to do...it still hurts to reject someone like that."

"Your face has guilt writen all over it,I'm sure you didn't do anything bad given your character but you need to cool down."

Incase she ever recognized me,I wore a mask I bought a few days ago before greeting her,though I made a mistake not covering my hair,now I'm just hoping she doesn't remember me.

"Hiro-kun? Is that you?"

Busted,I knew this would happen but it was worth a try I suppose.

"Yeah,long time no see."

I say while taking off my mask.

"Yeah I'm glad to see you again! Woah did you get taller?"

"I would say yes but now isn't the time,if someone were to caught us like this it would cause us some trouble.I'd rather not go through the hassle of explaining random things to people."

In a place like this at this time,it's unlikely that someone would walk up to us but since I can already tell that she's quite popular in this school,you could imagine how big of a situation if someone got the wrong idea.

"Ok but what do you need?"

"I need you to gather some info about class-A for me,I'm sure someone as smart as you understands why I want you to do this so that's all I ask of you."

"If that's all you wanted you could have texted me,well I guess it can't be helped.Sure I'll help you."

Why is she agreeing to this so easily? This isn't normal,no I'm overthinking it.For now I should just accept the fact she'll help me.

"Thanks,that's all so I'll be going."

I start to walk away while waving goodbye to her.Ichinose,you've changed quite a bit aswell,hopefully you stay that way....

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