The Poison Fangs Hide The Truth

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

The plan of threatening a clerk named Yukitsu Kusuda is going to be a huge success.After class I had Ichinose help me to look into who this clerk is for me,luckily the job didn't take too long so she came back in after around an hour and 26 minutes.

Next I started to calculate how many private points Mr.Kusuda would make each month by stalking him until night which was where he left my sight.

I managed to discover that Kusuda makes around 100K private points at best,then again the number could be smaller.For example if the amount of customers gradually decreased then the points would decrease aswell.

I could figure this out by watching at the items he bought,some weren't very expensive but most were somewhat prices like a 5K point pot ect.In total that would add to 26K private point.

I wonder how long that took,two hours? Three hours? Maybe even four.At this point I'm continuing to stalk him to gain any sort of useful knowledge that can give me an advantage.

He's talking about someone,I can make out who but I can most likely guess already.I suppose I should come out and show myself already.

"Hey you,mind talking for a couple minutes?"

"Huh? Of sure,but when did you get here?"

"Just now,anyways I heard you muttering under your breath and it seems like you're searching for someone."

"U-uhh yeah."

Recalling what Ichinose told me,the person he should be looking for would be Airi Sakura.Thankfully I managed to snap a peek at her phone number and dorm address.Call me a creep if you will but she's lucky I didn't randomly yell it out to everyone in the school.Still better show him a picture of her to make sure I was right.

"Not sure if this is you're goal but you want to confess to this online idol here right?"

"! So you're a fan too?!"

"No,however I do know here,hey I might even be willing to give you her number and address and if you're lucky,her name."

"O-oh gladly!-"

"Well at a price of course."

He seems confused,of course everyone I tell this deal to would be confused after a build up like that.

"Every week,give me around 10K private points and we'll call it a day.If you can't accept it then this idol is out of your grasp forever."

At this point he has a knight's sword right at his throat,I hardly doubt that he,Yukitsu Kusuda who is such a huge fan of Sakura's would give up an oppertunity like this easily.

"Oh,umm sure what do I have to lose right? Hahaha!"

"Yeah what do you have to lose,the points start tomorrow so remember that or else.Anyway the person you're looking for is Airi Sakura,here's her number and address."

With that I left,of course after this job there's not much for me to do but wait.I said he should give me the points tomorrow but how can he do that without my info? Truly an idiot if I do say so myself.

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