More Mako-chan?

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POV: Enki-kun

Been awhile since I've been able to have so much fun like this,just sitting down and talking to beings known as friends. Really I never knew proper school life would be so much of a blessing,still letting my guard down is the last thing I would ever want to. After all we're only hiding in the storage closet since it's incredibly spacious in here for some reason. If any one of the hunters find us here, there's no guarantee that we can escape without losing a group.

I decided to check the smart watch that the school gave us specifically for this special exam,seems like there's not a lot of groups left. According to the watch the only groups that are left are Sakayanagi's group consisting of her and Kamuro,Ryuuen who had his group eliminated in the first few minutes  so likely that the president got them,he was also with Ishizaki. The last group to survive besides us is Shibata and Ando,no surprise that they are still alive.

"There's still around 24 minutes left until this test ends,then we'll have to head back to the dorms and rest for the day after tomorrow. I suggest that the three of you start working on your body strength a bit more." Well that wasn't directed towards Kiyotaka since he's a level above me in physical ability. Ichinose has considerably good physical ability but her breasts normally slow her down,as for Mako-chan her physical ability is not the best in general.

"Yeah I agree! I felt like I was holding you guys back earlier so I really do want to be a least a little bit more useful!" Cute.....

I took out my smartphone and check my recent messages, apperantly the test for the other side was actually quite easy though it's only the first day. It's likely that the whole class passed so I don't have to worry about that. If someone gets expelled chances are your class will lose class points and worst case scenario would be the teacher completely wiping your class out after. But wiping out I really mean expel the entire class,after all Chabashira is a teacher with rather high authority in this school so she could do it.

While I was thinking that, Mako-chan suddenly fell asleep on about 'being useful' huh? Still I should let her be since she looks so peaceful.

"The first part of the special exam has ended,those who were not tagged please enter the teacher's office to turn in your cards."

Oh yeah,these things. Since Mako-chan just feel asleep I'll need to carry her there......

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