Suzune Horikita SS:Dawn Under The Tree

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POV:Suzune Horikita

The exam came to a splendid conclusion with class-D winning it.The private points every received after was no small number plus another 60000 for the two months class-C will be giving us.

This was of course all thanks to the fighters of class-D,as much as I hate to admit it.However the end performance was shocking.

To think Hiro-kun was hiding a side like that.....

I noticed that after the exam,no one wanted to talk to Hiro-kun and thank him for the victory.Of course this effect would most likely only last for a few weeks but it doesn't justify the fact that he will be having issues from here on out.

I just wish he pushed me a little to do things.....he does everything by himself and yet he's fine,is the gap between us that big?

As I thought that,I saw the person I was talking about sitting under a tree,staring at his phone while driking a can of what appeared to be soda.

"What are you doing."

I asked that as he turned towards me with that apethetic face of his,to think that only a mere moments ago he looked like the devil,it was next to unbelievable.

The image of his grin was pratically forged into my mind,it was scary to the point where some people clearly pissed themselves.I took up so much courage just to speak to him and I bet that he knows he scared everyone off.

"Got a messenge from Chabashira a while ago,she told me to guess what the next exam is going to contain."

"Now aren't you close to sensei?"

I sat next to him while looking at his phone,sure enough the contents were what he said but why did sensei know Hiro-kun so well?

"It's your fault you know?"

My fault? I didn't even do anything,what is he even thinking now?

"If we never made that promise then that would never have happened,showing my true colours I mean."

I stayed quite,I remembered the promise I made with him but how did it impact this situation so much?

"It's your own fault for accepting that promise."

"Still,perhaps it was for the best....."


"Nothing,still I glad that I met you,who knows how the exam would have turned out if you didn't show up.It's rare for me to do things like this but since I full filled a promise from you to win this exam,can you promise me one thing?"

I stared at him with a shocked expression as he pulled my face closer to his while leaning into my right ear.If anyone saw this,they would definately find it suspicious so I tried to break free,but the result was strange.

My body didn't react that the instructions,instead I felt a warm feeling in my heart.

"I'll try everything in my power to prevent you from being expelled,but in return I want you to be true to yourself when you're around me.I'll repeat,I want to see the real Suzune,if possible of course."

H-he used my given name?!?! Who does he think he i-

Before I could finish that thought,he immediatly kissed my on my lips,although I seriously hated the feeling,I can't help but enjoy it just once.The kiss was long but when we finally finish,he stood up and started to walk towards the dorms.

"I read on the internet that a kiss is suppose to symbolize the love you have for someone,if that's the case then I like you as a person Horikita."

AH! There's so many misunderstandings in that sentence!

Still,it didn't feel bad.Even if he already stole my first kiss from before,why do I feel so comfortable whenever I go near him?

Wait...he said he read about kissing on the internet,did he seriously misunderstand that too? I swear it feels like that man was born yesterday....

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