Confrontation Of The Dread Pt.2

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"I want to protect the ones closest to my heart,I don't want to watch anyone suffer anymore.I will not just stand by the side and act as if nothing happened,this is my motivation,what gives me the will to live all this time."
Enki Teriyama


POV:Yukishira Hiro

All eyes were on me,whether it be eyes of hatred,eyes of confusion,they were all on me and finally in a long time I didn't bother what gazes meant.This was the moment my demons took over,my bloodlust had grown because of this battle and it showed no signs of stopping any time soon.

I had to relieve all this build up stress and go 100% for my amusement,I wanted to hear their pitiful screams of terror but deep down I knew if that were to happen,my expulsion would be inevitable.Even if expulsion was a risk that had a chance of happening,I eanted to prove myself to my higher-ups,I wanted to prove the fact that I was above them.

"OH THIS IS PRICELESS! TO THINK MY WHOLE PLAN HAS BEEN PLAYED THROUGH SINCE THE VERY BEGINNING! YOU ALL ARE SO PATHETIC!" I was almost sure that the spectators watching this battle thought of me as someone who escaped some sort of asylum.My apathetic face was replaced by a grin that had creepiness  that could surpass even Sakayanagi's.This was ME,this was my true colors.

"Tch...w-what are fucking monster,I can't believe that they brought someone this crazy into this school.What was the director thinking!" Ryuen stayed strong although having fear behind his voice,from my understanding he never felt FEAR which is why his standing in class-C was so high.Unfortunately I never felt remorse which was something that could be considered as a curse and a gift,a gift that was horribly used.

"H-he's lost it....."

"Is he even the same Hiro-kun we know....?"

"Shit this guy is crazy...what do you think Horikita-senpai?"

"I thought he had power but this is absurd,I never expected this to take such a turn."

There were such comments in the background that caught my attention,four of them talked,the other two kept quiet since they knew what I've been through.

"Hahahaha.....alright let's get this over with,can't keep my heart waiting can we? Besides I have a scheduled meeting with the Mr.Sakayanagi tomorrow so I would like to give him a good memory of me." I said with a wide grin while lowering my hand to uncover my face.

"Kiyotaka,just as we planned.Take care of these low life pathetic masturbating idiots and I'll get dragon-boy over there who's pissing himself." The masturbatung part was true,most of these guys had a tendency to work their right hand out by stroking their rods to their own classmates or other students within the school.Everyone looked at me in confusion but either way Kiyotaka threw the thought aside at least for now and threw a powerful punch at one of the distracted students.

Alright,time to fight the boss,though in a video game I'd be way over leveled.

I adjusted my white gloves as I slowly took off my blazer,as long as you enter the school you had to wear your school uniform so it was annoying to do this but it was sort of needed to execute this plan.The girls in the back including Chabasahira were blushing at the sight of the muscles on my arms,Sakayanagi however was licking her lips which sent goosebumps down my spine.

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