The Devil's Throne

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POV:Yukishira Hiro???

How has my life come to this? I'm in a room with every leader of each class,well the main ones such as Sakayanagi,Ryuen,Horikita and Ichinose. I don't evwn know why I'm here,if you war upon every class why not just say it to Horikita? I have no place in this whatsoever....though I do get a good chance to look at some thighs.

"Hmm.....let's see here. Horikita's thighs look thick and soft,probrably overall the most normal yet they are quite appealing to look at. Sakayanagi's,despitehere small and petite figure has some very soft,pillow like thighs and the thickness is top notch. Lastly should I put this? Those monsterous thighs are legendary,no wonder she could seduce everyone here right now. The thickness,the softness and even the mere look of them is fantastic."

Why do I feel eyes on me all the sudden?

"Fufufu,I didn't know you were so much into thighs Enki-kun." Shut up with the name calling shit. Also seems like...I fucked up.

"Kukuku....KAHAHAHA! Who knew you were paying so much attention to the ladies!" I hate you,I hate your friends and they hate me too.

"My god you're such and idiot,just die." OW! Horikita where the fuck do you keep getting these compasses out of nowhere?

"H-Hiro-kun you pervert! Also where d-did you get that compass from H-Horikita-san?" Seems like red beetroot Echinose can also read minds....seriously is she the only one that can do this or...?

"Kukuku,as much as I love watching this I would like to get things over with."

Absolutely,being in the acting director's office is awkward....especially if HE,yes HE,is right there smiling at me.

"Perhaps Enki-kun would want this to be a sex session?" No,No,NO. I don't want my NON-EXISTANT virginity to be stolen. Wait I'm no virgin....shit.....

"Forget about that,what is this abkut start a war on every class?" Horikita you shall become my head knight from now on.

"Y-yeah! I got word that....Hiro-kun has a giant target on his back in the next exam.... So I wanted to help him survive the next exam!"

"Fufufu,of course. The genius of this group must have challenges right?" you WANT to be on a wheelchair?

"Hehehehe....Hahahahaha! Alright let's hear it then. I'll take any challenge head on no matter the restriction,however I would like to add a restriction." I unconciously placed my legs onto the table and crossed my arms,seems like my true nature is showing.....well it doesn't matter anyway.

"Fufufu,of course Enki-kun."

"U-umm....why does Sakayanagi-san keep calling you Enki-kun?"

"I'll answer that later,first is the restriction. Basically the only rule that should be in the next special exam is....there's not gonna be any rules! Just between the five of us,cheating and or anything is allowed!" I looked at my former father with a giant grin on my face,he smirked back with a nod before I turned back towards the class leaders.

They seem to be in shock,except for Sakayanagi of course since she's seen my true nature times before,still it doesn't matter since I'll be revealing my true nature to the whole school by the end of the final term.

" absolute mad man! You think that can change the tides of this war?"

"Of course,I believe that defeat is a word I've never seen on MY 'game over' screen. Let's do this too,class-D and class-B shall team up to death both class-A and class-C,this means your classes will team up too for a fair advantage. I'm confident that you would still lose even if I'm the only one in my class!"

I should stop being so cocky.

"Fufufu/!" You two have just made the biggest mistake of your entire lives.

"Hahahaha! Wonderful! And to answer your question Ichinose....please start calling me Enki from now on everyone."

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