Yet Another Draw

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

"Another draw,I'm impressed that my student was able to take a hold on chess so quickly although it's only been five years since I thought you how to play.However something is bugging me..."

The room was quite until now,I and Sakayanagi were playing a game of chess and it ended up in a draw.She opposed me with a few questions like how I was doing or will I make it through this exam to which I responded to her with simple and short answers.

I suppose she must have found this strange since after everything I say there's always an explanation.Looking back at it now,I didn't know why I was so quite in the first place.I wanted to unzip my lips and speak but I couldn't no matter how hard I tired.

Obviously I was stressed,if this exam doesn't go the way I want it then what was the point of even trying.Honestly I was short of on the verge of giving up on winning this exam because I couldn't get the other students to talk up and dicuss about our matter.

Since I was always a loner,I never knew how to struck up a conversation.Even if I could I doubt I would be able to keep it up for long.

"Why do you always push yourself?"

Those words flew into my ear and it got sent into my brain,I always try my best no matter the situation but in this exam I was over thinking things.I pushed myself too hard and got the tiger to bite me instead of figuring out the answer.

I was stunned for a second as I couldn't find the answer,my face remained emotionless but my heart was pounding fast.

At that moment she smiled at me,it wasn't like I had never seen her smile to me but this just felt different.It wasn't a smile of happiness but instead a smile of affection?

It's true we've been with each other for most likely a few years before being seperated but I couldn't believe my eyes so I decided to throw the thought away for now.

"I'm just tired,you know how lost of sleep can effect someone better than anyone.You don't have to worry so much,I'll be fine Arisu."

At first I didn't notice it,I mean of course I didn't why would I? I was too deep into my thoughts that I didn't notice I called her by her first name.This wasn't anything new but saying it like that emberrased me to some extent but showing it would only make things worst for me.

"Well if you want,I may grant you the offer of laying on my legs any time you want~"

"Trying to seduce me? Sorry but I'm afraid that won't work,besides in your state I doubt that would work."

If it wasn't for her health,I doubt Sakayanagi and I would have ever met which I am grateful for.But on the down side it had prevented her from playing with me when we were in childhood.

"Just so you know,you can come and talk to me any time you're stressed.I know how tired and restless you can be so please try to keep it down."

"As if I don't know that,you're go with the flow attidute says everything that has to do with you."

"Not a simple thank you? My you have really grown,I might grant you a reward for that."

She took her crane and patted me on the head before walking away from the library that was within the cruise ship.

For whatever reason every time she does that,my heart would be at ease and I could think clearly.

That's it,I think I should give Hirata and Kushida a ring later.Maybe even Ichinose would be a great choice as she might know some of the pupils in the Dragon Group especially Kanzaki.

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