The Strong Never Rest

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"Pah! Mmm this strawberry milk will always make me question my existence. Strange,how come no one's ever around this vending machine? Could it be that.... I'm just lucky?!" I was sat on a bench,drinking my favourite strawberry milk while staring into the sky.

The special exam is tomorrow....I have everything ready for my victory but I'm sure about beating Kiyotaka. The relationship between me and him is almost the same as the relationship Horikita has with her brother or so I've heard.

"Ugh I can't bear the thought of beating him in the physical part of the exam. However when it comes to the academical part....maybe. The one person I'm concerned with besides Kiyotaka is the president." There's a reason for this and I think it's mainly because of anxiety since I've not seen him in some time.....maybe the whole week....

"What is this about the president?" Speak of the devil,we haven't spoke in a long time so I shouldn't run away this time.

"Yo dawg, how's it goin'?" Cringe......that was cringe...maybe as much as the time I said 'Hey Ryuuen! Yo mama fat!" Or setting like that.

"Hmm? That's not how you should speak to your senpai now is it?"

"Haha....sorry president. Anyway what's up? We haven't talked in forever so I thought you wouldn't want to speak to me anymore since I haven't been attending school council meetings and things like that." I said while taking a giant sip of the strawberry milk.

"Indeed,some of the members are starting to question you....but I only came here to challenge you." Challenge eh? So you want me to bring out my dad jokes.....maybe rape you little sister? That last part was a lie.....well parts of it,I'd do it if it meant me winning. Not because she has figure baka!

"Really now? Well I was planning to take this special exam seriously for the first time anyway. I assume you know about Kiyotaka Ayanokouji? If so then I shouldn't explain why I'm going all out."

"I see,you truly are a fantastic being Hiro-kun. Taking out three full grown adults by yourself,confronting Tamara Albert and eliminating him out of the competition with just one punch."

"Just coincidences! Nothing more nothing less,if that's all you wanted then I'll be going now- woah!" He sent a full forced towards my face,luckily I was able to react in time to jump back and dodge it. Of course that was only a fake.....he used the momentum in of that kick to further increase the power of the next one now aiming for my neck,I blocked that blow but can't say I didn't flinch or feel any pain....well I feel a shit load of pain right now.

"So you were still able to guard against that? Truly incredible,I look forward to confronting you in this special exam." Bitch,walking away after such a shitty sneak wrist hurts,ow....where's Hiyori when you need her to pick a part of your bod- UHHHHHH,I mean pick the pain away ..that doesn't make it sound better damn it!

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