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POV:Yukishira Hiro

A day passed since I wetn to the director's room for no apperant reason and my accident with Horikita.On this day she didn't speak to me about our plans to win the exam,hell she didn't even text me.

I knew nothing about human feelings so I thought that this was normal to some extent but every no and then U felt her 'death glare'.Every time I look back at her she just turns away with redness in her cheeks as if nothing ever happened though I can see that she was embarressed.

The start of the morning proceeded as usually but this time every seemed to be a bit more lively? Perhaps it's because today is the day we figure out who Chabashira picked as the co-fighter and as the substitute fighter.

Everything came down to this as if she chose someone with poor physical ability then we'll have to pray that Sudou wins the whole thing himself which although is a possibility,it had a really low chance at happening.

Seems like they're making bets on who's be chosen,sounds like as if they're actually betting on a boxing match or something.Guess it all comes down to luck now....

Pick people with good physical ability then there's a high chance we win,pick people with poor physical ability then we lose.

The way I pictured this was like a coin toss although the chances of winning that are slightly higher.I'm sure people like Hirara or Ichinose aren't ones to agree to this special exam as the result could be coming out empty handed and getting an injured student in the process.

When Chabashira came into the class,the enviorment I was experiencing before just vanished into thin air.Although they were exicited,I could clearly see that most of them were nervous.

"The special exam will be in three days from now so the decision took us teachers longer to make than we initially thought.However I've came down to the conclusion that Yukishira Hiro will become the second fighter and Kiyotaka Ayanokouji will be the substitute fighter."

Straight forward much but how did it land on me?

The whole class fell silent as the names were announced,I knew immediatly that most students in the class were already having their doubts to win since both me and Ayanokouji although having a well worled body,had never showed our physical ability first hand.

The chances of it falling onto me were there but it was less than 5% from what I knew so I just shoved it aside and counted as me being unlucky.However putting me and Ayanokouji in a group can't be mere coincedence,sure if you were to play this scene 150 times then there's a chance we would be chosen but that chance was lower than a 1% chance and Chabashira was telling us that she had chosen us out of coincedence?

Looks like I'll need to investigate this a bit.

"From my understanding,Ken Sudou was the class vote to fight so I shall respect that decision."

It appeared to many that our lose would be inevitable but to me I had a feeling that I would have to put out more effoert than I thought.People who both me and Ayanokouji were close to looked at us with a worried expression thinking that we'd be completely destroyed in this exam.

With that the class proceeded as usual,well I couldn't exactly say usual with Horikita turning her eyes towards me every 5 minutes with her 'death glare'.However at the same time she looked for the first time I've seen,worried for me so I was a bit relieved.

So the exam is coming in three days...bettter read through the rules again to see if there's a loophole I can make to win this.Question is why do I want to win this? No it has to be that promise....there's nothing else that can explain this feeling....

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