The Truth Is Also Behind Closed Gates

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

While everyone almost immediatly went towards the entrance ceremony,I ended up wondering else where to get a good grasp of the school.

From what I can tell there's quite a lot of facilities in this school,at least it's more than how many I'm expecting.It makes sense for there to be this many facilities for the students to hang around in since this school has dormitories too.

Now I'm around more than a couple metres away from the ceremony area so it's most likely that I would probrably get in trouble for missing it.Can't say I'm used to this already but this is going to be a good oppertunity to explore the school while everyone else is busy.

"1860 seconds,looks like it takes around 36 minutes to walk around the school for me,still I haven't explored the whole area yet."

Everyone else should be done anytime now,if not then they might have already be in class.It's arpund that time anyway so I should really head to class.

Part 2
POV:Yukishira Hiro

It's been five minutes,guess I'm late on my first day but I did get a good view of the school while I was away.I better get this over with already before something else happens.

"Hey,sorry I'm late but I was at the restrooms."

"Mr.Hiro,how are supposed to make up for being late? And did you really spend over half an hour in the restrooms?"

Guess she's Chabashira,my new teacher.Coming up with an excuse such as that doesn't take much intelligence but that is precisely why it's easy to see through.

"You discussing something with the class right? Maybe of how this school works or something like that.How about I answer one of your questions and in return I get to sit down?"

"You look like you already know how to make bargains,fine you have yourself a deal."

No one can resist an oppertunity like testing a student especially teachers,how predictable humanity is but here comes the tricky part.

"Since you're so confident in your abilities explain this,how do you think the classes are distributed and how the class-point and private-point system works."

Such a high demand,realisticly I have absolutely no idea how this point system works but I still have to answer it.And how the classes are  distributed? Anyone with a brain could figure that one out.

"Well I can answer the first question in detail but I'm afraid the second question may be a bit confusing for me."

"In short the classes are distributed through the first entrance exam,if you were to get a high mark getting into class-A wouldn't be a problem.However getting low marks results in you getting sent to class-D and anything lower than 40 marks will have you expelled."

"Very good,now the second question."

I was hoping I could skip this one but it doesn't look like a difficult question can be skipped that easily.Turning a blind eye from this question could result in a punishment too.

"Well like I said I don't really know how it works but my best guess is that class-points are gained from the marks we get from exams and our merit.Private-points however probrably has something to dp with the class-points,maybe the more class-points the class gets the more private-points you receive."

"I never expected you to get that close to both answers,you already have my interests.You may be seated now."


So I actually got it right,I only managed to get that one right because of the hints that were on the board when I was walking through the hallway.

At least I don't have to do much walking since my seat is literally near the back door.

I won't believe that what I just said was everything,there were still some things I wanted to say but it's best that I leave it for another time.The whole thing about the school judging by merit alone,how far will they push it? I can't dig into it too much,I don't have enough info.

"This is going to be a long day....."

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