Blast From The Past

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

Right after class this morning,I decided to see myself out of the classroom to seek some fresh air as I most likely still had that smile on my face judging by Chabashira's expression when she left the classroom.

To be honest,the letter was still on my mind and I couldn't shake it off.Eventually people freaked out from the fact that I was grinning through the hallway.

It wasn't anything bad in a sense but this situation reminded me of something.

Now that I think about it,this reminds of of before I even arrived at this school.Actually it's been years since I've been in a school now that I think about it.

Life went normal for me,well for the most part if you count out the bounty hunts I used to do for cash.

I had a normal school life,a sort of nice family life with only my sister and on top of that I had the best grades and physical ability was amazingly high.

Whenever there was a test,I would ace it without much effort and if there was a sports festival,people would kill for me to be on their team.

Despite all of this,I never had a girl confess to me once,it was actually because of the fact that I cruely rejected a popular junior in front of the whole school.

"Sorry but you're no where near good enough for me,I'd appreciate it if you leave me alone for the time being.It's either that or be better."

That may sound harsh and trust me it is,I genuinely said the truth that she wasn't good enough.If I recall,this girl was Otome Hikijiwura.

She grades were top-notch and her physical ability was rivalled by only my own but she was missing something I really wanted.She forced me into the confession but tieing me up in a chair and getting close to raping me.

Naturally this caused me to get aggresive and beat her into submission.This girl was nice but she lacked freedom which was what I was looking for.

I felt bad later on and she even dropped out a few days later,I was ordered to send her a letter of apology but I couldn't bring myself to do it.

It wasn't because I didn't want to,it was because her dad was the one I was assigned to kill a few days ago even though he was innocent.Her family was incredibly wealthy because of her dad alone and that isn't counting how much money her mom had.

If that assignment had never came across me,I would have probrably accepted her confession and my whole life after that might have chanced dramatically.

I decided to bring myself back to reality as I slowly converted that smile into a frown.

"She was a nice girl huh? Beautiful,smart and athletic.Wonder where she is right now."

I suppose she could transfer to this school,but who knows what would happen in that case.

"Yukishira Hiro,please come to the teacher's office this instant."

Forceful much? Whatever.

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