Attemption Of A Demon

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"I need to be better,I need to bring myself to the breaking point,I NEED more power.The power I lack to protect others.Kiyotaka Ayanokouji,please teach me how to be perfect,teach me how to be.....ME."
–Enki Teriyama


POV:Yukishira Hiro

"Alright,now you six may ask any question you want.I'll be sure to answer them with total honest,you have my word." I was sitting on the stair way leading towards the roof while straing down at five certain people,four of which I had texted before and Ibuki who I brought down personally.

Karuizawa and Kamuro were resting by the side of the wall while Nagumo sat just a little under me,Chabashira and the President were leaning against a wall near a window.All of them looked at me with a bewildered expression,it was most likely because of what they have witnessed just a few minutes ago,Sakayanagi was sitting comfortably next to me,it seemed like she was even staring at my lap.I was sure that they heard the screams of Karuizawa and Kamuro aswell,this was where I threw everything out in one go since eexpulsion had the biggest possibility in this situation.

"I don't even understand where to begin with you,however as the student council president I won't let this slide.Do you understand that you hurt two innocent students?" The President was the first one to speak up,it was an obvious question I was basically prepared for anything,well not everything.

That first huh? Can't say I didn't expect this.

"Yes I'm aware of it,there was a way around it but I did that for my own reasons.Besides those two would definately have faced a worse fate if I weren't there to share the favor."

Five out of the six were confused by my comment,after all what kind of fate was worse than getting beaten up to the point where your concious would be almost destroyed?

"Care to explain? I may give you a light punishment if you do." There wasn't any way I would have been forgiven by the school,however I did this to establish dominence over the very few people who had very big influence over the school.

"Call me crazy,but I think they deserved it,that's the first reason.The second is the fact that they would have faced humiliation if I weren't there to abuse them first." Everyone including Sakayanagi raised a brow at this,it seemed like no one had figured out what both Karuizawa and Kamuro did.

"H-how did we deserve that!? We didn't do anything!"

"Didn't do anything huh? Does working under cover for Kiyotaka count as that anything? Or maybe the fact that you're hiding your humilitating past from everyone? What about that scar? Your time in middle school?" This seemed to have struck a critical blow to Karuizawa,she even lowered her head as to not look at me.

"Then about Masumi Kamuro?" Kamuro was looking at me with irritation,I knew what she did when the school first started which led to her serving Sakayanagi.

"Would you believe me if I said I wanted to make her a pawn? Of course a pawn with FREEDOM."

The key word here was FREEDOM,usually in a game of chess,the pawn does not have much freedom on the board,at least in my case.I was making a chess board if you think of it in my vision,this game of chess had the pieces with their own mindstheir own hearts to do whatever they want until the leader commands them.Only the two who were resting didn't understand what I meant by FREEDOM.

"Hahahaha! Your faces are priceless! Fine I'll explain my whole plan." Sakayanagi poked my thigh before climbing onto it and hugging me,actually it wasn't much of a hug but more like she was clinging onto me.I felt warm because of this so I just let her be,besides she seemed to be comfortable when sitting on my lap.

"Pfft,that girl looks like some sort of princess now." Upon hearing this Kamuro grew even more irritated for some reason.

"Where do I start.....well I suppose I'll start with the fact that I domesticated Kushida into covering the cameras on the roof."


"She didn't want to follow my plan at first but in the end she decided to do so.Anyway Ryuen came to my room wanting to find whoever was behind class-D's series of victories,he claimed to have wanted my help but as you saw in the end he betrayed me,can't say I didn't find anyting suspicious about this either."

I used Sakayanagi's head as an arm rest while explaining my plan.

"So you two didn't trust one another? What's the point of cooperating then?" Karuizawa lifted up her head and glared at me while questioning me this.

"For him,it was to gather information about me,not sure if you noticed but I'm the top student in the first year but no one has much information about me,I assume that he decided to gather that info himself.As for me,I just did it for entertainment."

"Entertainment?" When Nagumo asked that,my grin immediatly came back as if it was a parasite inside my body.

"Ever since my first day in this school,it has lack the neccesery entertainment I need,it was only a matter of time before I took things into my own hands.Though I may have gotten a little too far."

"My god you're messed up!"

"Proceed to explain about your strategy." Chabashira said,it looked like to me that I had gained her attention.

"Ok,I amanged to get my head pawn to create another e-mail account for me while I went to find Kamuro and Kauirzawa's address.Once I did that all I had to do is wait for a week."

"Sounds possible,however that isn't the whole story right?" said Sakayanagi while still cuddling me,her voice reached out to even up to the roof as Ryuen stepped out while scratching his head,it seemed like he was limping a bit.

"To think that you thought this far ahead,you left out some details right?"

"Kiyotaka told you about that too huh? Welp details are details....oh one more thing student council president." I stood up while carrying Sakayanagi like the princess she is and started to head back to the dorms.

"I already paid 20 million for my expulsion,so don't expect me to leave the school any time soon.Kiyotaka I'll leave the rest to you."

Everyone looked at me in shock as Chabashira stared at her tablet to confirm whether or not this was true,and in fact it was.Kiyotaka on the other hand just straight up disappeared out of tin air some how.

"Yuki-kun,do you think exposing your plan was the brightest idea? You even used up 20 million private points to save yourself."

"It'll be fine,that's why I have you right? In case I ever need you to save my ass I'll call.For now how about we-"

"Wait!" I sighed before turning around to see who was catching up,out of everyone I didn't expect Kamuro though.

"Masumi-san? What bussiness do you have with Yuki-kun? Have you perhaps falen for him?"

"N-NO! I...just wanted to say thank for not exposing me...."

"The fact that you stole a can of beer? Hah! As if you deserve expulsion for that,beer-chan.How about this,to make up for all this mess I'll threat both you and Karuizawa to anything you two want and I mean ANYTHING."

"F-fine....." She turned away while blushing.

"Anyway,how about we have a date tomorrow before I meet up with your father?"

"Fufufufu....sounds like a plan." I had fallen for her more,I didn't mind it reallt since she was so precious to me.I just hope nothing bad happens to her in the future....

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