The Angel

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

Ichinose? What's she doing on this floor,perhaps she's here to visit a friend.If that's the case why is she trembling so much? Something else is up here....

A few steps ahead of me was Honami Ichinose,one of my friends at the school that knew a part of my past.She knew how smart I was but she didn't know what kind of means I did to obtain this level of intelligence,in short she had no idea who I really was,the last thing I remembered was the fact that I met her after choosing my fake name.

I had many thoughts of what I thought was happening here,maybe she was sick but had a meeting with a friend,or maybe she worked too late this time.However all of them didn't line up,her face was slightly pale which meant something happened,of course now I could take advantage of her and make her another pawn,however by doing so she might leak some of my past,even if it's not fatal I'd still mind.

However here,I had a much better plan.This was the point I wanted to use her against THAT MAN,he has authority over the school but what he doesn't know is that most of the first year is under my control.For all he knows I might be keeping a low profile but looking at my grades would completely push that possibility out,however that wasn't the reason why he didn't aim for me.

A/N:I've decided to slightly change my writing style.

The true reason why he hasn't gone for me yet is because he cam't,at least not yet.This is mainly because of my status in the school,my reputation is high enough for people to trust me more than the acting director himself.I selled out 20 million points just a week ago but he doesn't know that,I completely cut out all connection to the acting director right after selling my points.

Anyway back on topic,I don't have the time to think of a plan right now,it's best that I go to Kiyotaka and talk to him about it first before anything else.

"Eh? Hiro-kun....? W-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" What am I doing here? What are YOU doing here?

"I wanted to visit Kiyotaka today,figured he was lonely the entire winter judging by his personality." Sorry dad but I had to say it,don't take it personally please.

"O-oh...I see...." Huh,she looks rather nervous.No she's nervous because she noticed me from before,perhaps I should be careful from now.

"I'll get going now." It's best not to step into her life for now,she might find it suspicious later on.

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