A Delicacy

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

After the fight,the hotel staff arrived along with some teachers so I assumed that Kamuro did her job.If it weren't for the fact that I had combat experience then there was no chance I would survived that or even came out of it unharmed,not like I wasn't hurt as my hand kind of burns from the bullet I caught ealier.

Anyway,the teachers decided it would be best to take those men to the office on the 9th floor,it was most likely for interigating.I for the most part already knew their intention for coming here so this didn't really intrigue me in any way.

Ayanokouji volunteered to go out and buy the food ingredients instead so I told some people like Ryuen and Ibuki to accompany him,it might seem a bit excessive but you never know what the White Room was thinking at the time.As for me,well I just went back to the training room with the others,they were truely concerned and to be honest I couldn't blame them,after all my life was on the line there.

"Hiro-kun,are you sure that you're ok? You received quite the burn from that bullet you caught...." Hirata asked me that question,although it stung whenever I tried to pick up something,it wasn't as bad as you would think since healing was a human trait.

"Yeah I'll be fine,give it like a week and it'll fully heal.Anyways thanks Kamuro."

If it weren't for her then this plan might have not been executed as great as it turned out.It was also because of what Matsushita did that allowed me to fight without restrain,though I was holding back up until the point where the revolver was pulled out.

"Y-your welcome,I'm just glad that you're ok...." Kamuro decided to mutter that last part so I couldn't hear it,really what was there the be embarresed about? I couldn't understand why her face was red either,maybe she had a fever? No I doubt it,mainly because she was fine a few minutes ago.

What's up with her.....

Amasawa unlocked the door and allowed us to head back into the meeting room.This room wasn't anything special,if anything it was very much like one of the dorm rooms,just a bit bigger so that more people could fit in.

"I'll handle the cooking Hiro-senpai~ After me,you,Kamuro-senpai,Sakayanagi-senpai and Ayanokouji-senpai can have lots of fun~"

What does that mean? Why does she have that perverted smile all the sudden....

Upon seeing my reaction which to her was apperantly priceless,she licked her finger and went towards the kitchen while dragging Horikita along with her.

Wait Amasawa can't cook....so what does she mean by handling the cooking- oh wait Horikita can cook I think.

I simply nodded in confusion and went towards the sofa where Kamuro was seated at and sat down.Katsuragi and Hirata were just opposite of us and Karuizawa was in the kitchen with Amasawa and Horikita,I really doubt that she could cook too.

Sakayanagi was sitting next to Kamuro,for some reason I couldn't shake the feeling of a strange pair of eyes on me,it probrably was her just being worried for all I know.

"Um,Hiro-kun?" To break the ice,Hirata spoke up which actually caught my attention.


"Do we even have any food ingredients left? I mean Ayanokouji and the other two are still outside,they might come back in an hour or so...."

Wait you're right....then what are they doing in the kitchen?

"Let's just ignore that for now,oh yeah where's Ichinose?" It just clicked to me that she was the only one missing from the group,to say the truth I was kind of concerned but knowing her,I don't think anything too bad would happen.

"Oh some of her friends invited her out for lunch so she went out,she told us to eat ourselves and that she was sorry to not eat with us."

What is there to even be sorry about?

I gave put a light sigh before turning on my phone and going into the mail to see how many points the group earned.

78 points huh? Almost there....just two days left so I may need to use my secreat weapon.I don't want to kiss her again though......ugh whatever it's for the class right? Well I should just wait and see what happens....

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