White Room Confrontation

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

"An eye for an eye,a tooth for a tooth is what they say right?"

I was looking down upon three men in lack suits who were on the ground,two of them were knocked out cold but one I made sure to keep his concious intacted for some answers.

I clenching onto my left hand which had a burn despite having a glove over it,most of the limbs in my body were aching but still it was nowhere near the pain and torture I went through before.

Behind me was a certain cheeky kouhai along with the rest of the first year group that I was the leader of.

Can't believe that man actually used forced for once....


Me and Kamuro were silently walking down the hallway back to the meeting room,I would say it was a silent walk but really we were insulting each other.She even stepped on me which caused a strange sense of pain throughout my body,perhaps it was just me.

Back on topic,the moment we were about half way there,three men in suits could be visibly seen holding a brief case.Their pace was actually abnormally quick and in my opinion it didn't fit the enviorment at all.

What made it suspicious was the fact that no one else was around,it was completely silent.

There's a chance that man sent these three here,but doesn't that mean Ayanokouji is in trouble rigt now? If so then I need to take action now.

It's not like I didn't have faith in the group I was assigned to,however relying on them here would be a risk and I knew for a fact that I can keep them occupied with the current precentage of strength I've been using since the start of the school year.

"Are you ok,Hiro-kun? Why are you sweating so muc- HEY!"

I quickened my pace in order to catch up with the men,I should have informed Kamuro of what was going to happen first but in order to do that,an excuse was needed and right now wasn't the best time to make one.

"Hey,you three in the white suits." I said to them,unfortunately for me they ignored me and continued to move towards the meeting room.It was unknown to me on how they were able to know where Ayanokouji was but that was a topic for another day.Right now I just need to keep them occupied,at least until staff arrive.

They aren't stopping huh? So I DO need to use force just to stop White Room staff? That place is complicated....

I sighed before taking an eraser out of my pocket and throwing it at one of the men's head,it missed but it appeared as if I've gained their attention at last.Kamuro who was screaming at me at the back was shocked to see this,after all I was named to be the student who never did anything unnessecery in the school ever.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" She exclaimed,if this woman kept yelling then I may even go deaf.

"Kamuro,listem to me and pay attention to every bit of information I'm going to give you right here,got it?" Her Shocked expression was soet of priceless,it looked like to.me that the men in suits were starting to get impatient and one of them even pulled out a combat knife,a type of knife I was quite familiar with.

"Who are these guys? Why did you just throw that eraser at one of them?"

"I'll answer later but how fast can you run?" Kamuro looked even more confused with that comment,I suppose she hasn't completely grasp the situation we were about to be in yet.

"I suppose pretty fast,why?" One of the men approuched us with the combat knife,this caused Kamuro to go into a defensive stance.At last she caught onto our situation and now I had little to no time to even explain the details.

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