Beginning of Movement

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POV:Kiyotaka Ayanokouji

So is it already time? He hasn't given me the signal yet.....well I guess I can go ahead,he didn't say anything about me not being able to go ahead of him first.

I never understood what the name named Yukishira Hiro was thinking,nor did I have an idea of when he took the time to think of a strategy this absurd.Usually it would take someone ages just to come up with something like this but according to him,he came up with it in just a single day.

His advancements are dangerous,yet he says time and time again that he is inferior to me,really he can beat me if he wants to but he choses to become a warshipper.Despite this comment,I know that his potential cannot grow anymore,this means that I can still surpass him since my limits knows no bounds but as if right now I'm unsure if beating him is an option.

This is the reason why I haven't been disobeying him or acting on my own whenever he represents a strategy before me.Yuuki treats me as a king and it's starting to get very strange,he seems to know most of my secreats and from the sounds of it he's been to the White Room aswell.

The problem is,there hasn't been anyone that lookedlike him in the White Room even if his name was familiar to me.I knew from the start that Yuuki had used a fake name,this is because the person with the original name was someone that was above average in the 4th generation.Unfortunately he couldn't survive one of the last test and had a heart failure,to think that someone adopted the name,this situation was getting weirder and weirder.

Oh,looks like he's in position.

["I'm there now,make sure you're in your spot and wait.I'll give you the signal to pounce on them once I'm ready."]

I didn't really know how to reply to that so I just sent 'Ok' to him.This plan that he came up with was not one a normal person could think of,his brain was complicated and claims that it doesn't bow to anyone except for himself,I knew that this was false.After all he says he's inferior to me and treats me like god for some reason,and he's especially close with Sakayanagi.

I can't wrap my brain around how his works,how is it possible that it's so complicated?

"Ryuen are you absolutely sure that Hiro-kun is reliable?"

They're here already? Well I'll leave this to you Yuuki.I have other things to deal with.

I turned to my right and saw four people,Chabashira-sensei,Manabu Horikita,Miyabe Nagumo and finally Arisu Sakayanagi.

"Ara~ What is Ayanokouji-kun doing here? I thought someone else called us,unless you're this 'X'?" X is the person behind class-D and although what she said was true,it's still unbelieveable that Yuuki set this up somehow.

"No,also I have absolutely no idea why I'm here either,are you called here by X too?" I asked all four of them to which the elder Horikita nodded for all of them in response.

"I don't know why but it seemed like this person wants to show us something,the next part of the messange said,'I'll signal all of you to head to the roof and once I do please do so immediatly.'."

"Whoever this is,I have the great feeling that he's pretty tough,smart and probrably a bit messed up in the head." said Nagumo.

"Fufufu,what is there to do except sit here and wait right? If that's the case then how about we get to know each other better?" Sakayanagi said while smirking at Chabashira-sensei,seeking permission from her since she's a teacher.

"I have no objections."

This could be a really long talk,I suppose I just need to play into Yuuki's hands for this one time.....


POV:Yukishira Hiro

"Do you have any idea how cold it is up here? At least have a bit of concern for your classmate's health!"

I was ontop of the school building along with Kei Karuizawa and Masumi Kamuro,obviously it was cold up there even with all the clothing we had on but the complaining was seriously annoying.

Karuizawa was kind of squirming about the place,not even trying to hide how annoyed she is at me while Kamuro....well was just being Kamuro next to me,though her facial expression showed that she was a bit mad at me.

"Oh shut it,I thought girls are supposed to be good in cold weather.I got that information from the three idiots and I'm absolutely CERTAIN that they're reliable." This was obviously a joke,who would believe anything that three idiots say? Well another idiot I guess.

"Your information in that case is NOT reliable,I thought you wouldn't be tricked by them perverted pig."

What have I done that's even remotely close to 'perverted' in this school? Well does touching Kushida's body without permission count? But I didn't touch anywhere indecent.....

"Ah,mou! I'm out of here!" With those words she started to walk towards the door as if we were up here for days even though it has only been a few minutes.

How impatient can girls be? I didn't even anticipate this ever happening,welp time for plan B.

"Hey Karuizawa! Ever wondered who has the biggest *ahem* T-rex in the school!" This was probrably the worst topic to think of which what made it the best in my situation.

I received a sharp pain in my right arm after saying that too,when I looked to see it was Kamuro pinching me with all her strength.Her expression was terrifying and spelled out the words 'D.I.E' which was way to aggresive.

Girls are scary.But I won't swing to men that easily.

"W-what?! Do you understand what kind of question that was?!?!!" She quickly averted her gaze towards me and walked up to me.At this moment I knew that I was going to be rained down by punches and frankly,I didn't care since they were about to arrive in..a few seconds.

"And this is exactly why I call you a perverted pig,asshole."

So I downgraded to asshole now? What's next? Ass face? Shitass? What is it with people and insulting stragers?

I looked over to the door as it slowly openned,revealing Ryuen and his gang of animals behind it.

Ah just on time,now to start the party.


A/N:And that's about it for this chapter,the next one will be way longer so be on the look out and don't be surprised if I don't update tomorrow since it'll be a long,at least longer than what I usually do.

Also I came here to say that I've added another ship to this story and it's:

Kiyotaka Ayanokouji x Hiyori Shiina


Someone please rain divine Ayanogod punishment onto me,I deserve it! But I might also enjoy it~ ;)

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