A Demon Hiding Behind Sheep's Mask

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POV:Yukishira Hiro

The pool,it's a place I usually never visit,it's probrably because I'm really not the type to exercise in a place like this.

I'm sure most of the guys followed the girls here just so that they could look at boobs all day,the one person that looks like they weren't here for that seems to be Kiyotaka Ayanokouji.

"Why don't you join them? You seem like the type of person who likes fun."

He says,really we've been in this school for around a month and I can conclude that Ayanokouji here also isn't the type to have much fun.

"Well I should say the same for you,you seem to be fit enough for sports so why don't you go instead of me? I'm not very interested in ports."

"The way I see,the two of you are the ones that should go and have a swim with them."

Suzune Horikita if I recall,clearly one of the smarter if not the smartest student in our class but something tells me I shouldn't draw my conclusion to that.

"I see,you're just saying this because you're a girl and you aren't very fit so you just come over to us."

"That's for me to know and for you two to figure out."

Women these days,she's a good looking girl but her attidute throws her down the drain.What a waste really but I shouldn't say that yet.

"What are your opinions on the point system?"

A full month after our enrollment into this school,we all noticed that our private-points weren't provided to us yet.Although I had barely spent any points whatsoever,some students definately did spend the whole wallet they were given.

"Personally I don't have an opinion on it,however if it's like what the teacher said then our class is in pretty big danger."

"Exactly,glad you caught on Ayanokouji.In my opinion 100K yen is too much for a high school student so if you were to use your brain then I'm sure anyone could have caught onto it in no time."

Really it isn't that hard to figure out,hell even someone as clueless as Ken Sudo could figure this out.

"If Sudo and the others don't cooperate with us then our class is just utterly screwed."

"I never expected you two to catch on,it's true that if Sudo and the others were to be expelled in the next exam then there's no telling what could happen."

She's right,if this school judges by merit alone,I can't imagine what would happen if one or more of our classmates were to be expelled.Although it would be an interesting change in events,I still don't want to know what would happen if someone got expelled.

"So,you're starting a student group with those three? If so then I suggest you go for someone easier first before Sudo,he'll be harder to deal with.If that's all I'll be going,I have something else to deal with."

Not even a goodbye huh? Wow this class really is cold.Though what I told them just now was a lie,I just wanted to get away from the noisy atmosphere.

Part 2
POV:Yukishira Hiro

Another full day of school,at this rate the days will go by faster and faster without much enjoyment.Of course if something interesting were to happen then my brain would be filled with a bit of happiness.

"Why are you so difficult to talk with?! If you just give me your number then this whole situation will be done for!"

Hmm? Looks like I jinxed myself,that's just my luck.

Seems like there's two students on the other side of this wall here,I didn't here them before since I was spacing out.

"Me? Giving someone like you my number? You have some real nerves if you think I'll give the person that bullied me a few years back my number."

Looks like one's a boy and the other's a girl,better yet the girl I saw on the bus who laughed at my 'joke'.

"Well I'll keep on bullying you if you don't give me your number! Come on just give it here! Or else!"

"H-hey! Don't grap onto my hair that tightly! What are you doing with those scissors....?"

"If you won't then you leave me no choice,I'll force you to do it!"


So getting a girl's number is what this is about? How deep has humanity fallen through the rabbit hole,still that doesn't matter.I'd better step in and handle this before someone frames this on me for not reporting this.

"You're just dumb to think that you wouldn't get caught in a place like this,and doing this just because you're crush doesn't like you?"

"Tch,who're you?"

"Just a random student walking by,you should stop before a teacher of even guard gets here,I may have accidently called help."

These scissors really are sharp,they're sharp enough to stab through my hand,but this guy can barely hold these scissors in a way it can do such a thing.

"Hey you're....."

"A-alright,but I'll be back."

He just ran away,pretty sure he'll receive a suspension after that,if he were to thrust a bit harder he might even be able to pierce my hand.

"Hey,aren't you the guy I saw on the bus? What a coincedence I was going to find you when this rude guy interrupted me."

Find me? Wow guess I'm already popular among girls,if that were the case then I already hate the attention.

"Oh almost forgot,my name's Chiaki Onishami! Nice to meet you Hiro-kun!"

"The feeling's mutual,anyway how do you know my name?"

"Oh well who hasn't heard of the guy who got almost got 90s on every test and chose not to enroll to class-A and instead chose to be in class-D?"

"That's a lie,aren't you the one who did that?"

"Aww you caught me! Well I just heard about you from my friend,Kushida!"

That rascal,I guess I really can't change the out come but that's a little much.

"If you want to talk,we need to find a better area to do so."

"Because then the people you called will  acuse you right? Don't worry I gatcha."

I really hate people with such high energy,and I thought she was a scared little orphan when she was threatened by that guy.

Calm down,I can't let the feeling known as 'annoying' overwelm me now.Let's just see what she has to say.

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