Chapter Fifty-Nine: Worlds Collide

Start from the beginning

"Plus, there is also the added fact that Luna is one of us," Harry said.

"You are," Hestia asked the blond girl.

Luna nodded. "Crystal Enchantment magic. I got it from my mum. She taught me everything that she could about our magic before she died. She also made it clear to trust few with the knowledge of the Lovegood gift."

"I guess it's only natural for there to be those that are like us," Buzz says to Vallia.

"Yeah, but she did not have to flee to another country when she discovered her powers," Vallia crossed her arms.

"Many might need to flee if bitter chocolate keeps messing with the bumblebee's workplace," Luna stated.

"Huh," the Crystal Rose students looked at her like she had lost her mind.

"That is just the way that Luna talks," Melody tells them. "She knows things. Before we officially met her, she called us the jungle beast, siren, and flower."

"Sounds like we need a translater," T'challa says.

"I think I might actually know this one," Cedric said, having grown used to the way Luna talks since he lives close to the Weasleys and Lovegoods. "When some of the more annoying purebloods insult Headmaster Dumbledore, they call him bumblebee because of the similar-sounding names. And bitter chocolate is most definitely referring to the only person I know that connects that well to it, Minister Fudge."

The trio almost instantly facepalm.

"Great, we'll have to deal with that idiot again," Harry groaned.

"He really needs to learn that he can not get the better of Greek magical beings," Melody says.

"Especially since he has failed each and every single time that he has tried," Krinos shook his head.

"Maybe Olivia can get you guys a magical restraining order against him," Hestia suggested.

"But what's to stop Fudge from breaking it," Neville asked. "He does not seem like he would even care if you guys got a restraining order against him."

"Magical restraining orders are different where we come from," Harry explained. "We know that here, they only alert the law enforcement department if the order is broken. But back home, the orders magically keep the person away. It's like a force field."

"The fact that you guys still chose to come here," Fred started. 

"Even knowing all the differences is amazing," George finished.

"Yeah, we are really starting to regret coming here," Harry admitted. "We will never regret the friends that we have made, or the things that I have learned about my bird parents, but everything else is either useless or just annoying."

"And I am sure that we could all do without the egotistical politicians in our lives," Krinos crossed his arms.

"Let's just relax in the tree," Hawk suggested. "That is probably a lot better than just standing around and complaining."

"Relaxing in a tree," Cedric chuckled. "There is something you don't hear being said every day."

"Speak for yourself," Krinos, Harry, Sofia, T'challa, White, and Hawk all said.

"I walked right into that one," Cedric admitted.

"Well, you are around mystic souls," Fred started.

"With nature and animal powers," George finished.

The Crystal Rose students all chuckled. Krinos then raised his hand up and that caused the vine swings to come back down from the branches. There was even more called down because of the added number of people than before. They all took a seat and Krinos commanded them to all be brought up into the tree. And even with all the stress going on, some of the students still found joy in the ride. Some of them even shouted "WEEEEEEE" as they shot up and into the tree.

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