Liam's PO

I was really sick. I also felt really bag for making Aly stay up all night just to take care of me. I was looking at a razor, and I started puking. I felt so weak, and then Aly knocked the door down. She comforted me, like a mother would. I didn't realize it until now that she carried me down the stairs, and her feet were wrapped in gauze. (A/N Poop. I spelled it wrong in the last chapter. Sorry for all spelling/grammer errors.) I heard her screaming in a pillow, but I wasn't sure if it was her, or if Lou and Harry were tickling Niall. I was curled up into a ball on her lap, head buried into her shoulder. I heard her talking to people, and I felt her shake me. She handed me some water and Gatorade, which I took small sips of, and she made me nibble on a cracker. I suddenly had the urge to puke, and I said, "I'm gunna be sick!" Aly shoved a bowl under my chin, and I voilently threw up.

She muttered something about stomach acid, then made me eat a cracker and half a banana. She asked if she could do anything, and I asked her to sing. She had the most beautiful voice. She sang I'm Yours by Jason Mraz, and she sounded amazing. I didn't want her to stop, but she was stroking my hair and rocking me, soothing me to sleep. I knew she had ended, but I was too tired to complain. She talked some more people, and I felt her rubbing my back. I blacked out, then was awoken by the sudden urge to vomit. I managed to make it to the toilet, with Aly 6 steps behind me, rubbing my back, soothing me. We fell asleep in the bathroom, with my head on her lap, and I dry heaved hourly. I couldn't believe Aly woke up with me, everytime I dry heaved. She was a great girlfriend. Sure, she was a scarred, but what girlfriend would stay in the same room as their boyfriend who was vomiting? Not many. And out of those few, how many would actually stay while their boyfriend was vomiting, trying to make them feel better? Even fewer.

I stopped dry heaving, and I fell asleep. I could feel her gently pulling on my hair, messing with it. I woke up a few hours later, and started dry heaving. She woke up after I had my first heave, and she rubbed my back, pulled my hair back, and gave me more Gatorade. I was really hurting, and I figured she would have to pee, so I curled into a ball, moaning in pain, and I let her have a moment. She washed her hands, and helped me, stableing me and closing her eyes. Geez, she's not a great girlfriend. She's an amazing girlfriend. I wished I hadn't spent so much time with Danielle. She didn't do this when I was sick. "Babychakes, do you want to take a shower? The warm water might help relax your stomach." She asked, and I nodded. She turned on the water, and I began dry heaving again. She just rubbed my back, then shut her eyes, allowing me to undress and climb into the shower.

The water was a perfect temperature, and I saw her wrist was a little wet when she turned to me. I let the water run down my body, and I washed my hair. I heard her say in a tired voice, "Just stand there for a few minutes. It'll help, I promise." I stood there, and I felt my stomach start to relax a little bit more. I turned off the water, and called her name a few times. She handed me a towel, and I wrapped it around my waist. She then handed me a toothbrush, which I gratefully accepted. Puke isn't a good taste. I started feeling guilty. She was probably sleeping while I was in the shower. "The shower was helpful. I'm sorry I woke you up every hour so I could dry heave." I said, and she started shaking her head. "Liam, baby, it's ok. You were sick. You still are sick." I could tell she was trying to hide how tired she was, so I accepted the clothes she gave me, and we went downstairs.

She sat me down, turned on Toy Story, and just as Lou was about to protest, she glared at him. Not like a playful glare, either. Like, 'If-you-say-one-word-about-this-movie,-I-will-rip-out-your-throat' glare. He cowered away, and she went to make some toast. She gave me everything I needed, and asked if I needed anything else. I nodded, and was about to say, "You," but Lou interrupted. "How come you're giving him so much attention?" He started whining, and she looked at him. "I'm sorry, but did you stay up all night dry heaving?" She snapped, and he shook his head. "He was. I know what it's like to be sick, alone. Why do you think I know how to make him better?" I knew she knew she was being a bit witchy, but I don't blame her, and I hope no one else does. I layed on her shoudler, and she smiled at me. Suddenly, she asked where the bucket was, got it, and shoved it under my chin. It was like she knew I was going to throw up the toast before I even knew myself.

I felt her take my temperature, and she sighed. She made me drink a whole bottle of water, and stay up for an hour to make sure it stayed down. I drank another bottle, and decide to try and eat the toast. I nibbled, and suddenly, the toast was turning my stomach. I pushed it away, and I layed down to sleep. I woke up, and Aly was happier. I know she didn't sleep, the circles under her eyes were just darker. She started talking, and I woke up. I asked for some water, and she handed it to me. I asked for something a little more flavorful than toast and crackers, and she grinned, sending Hazza away for a banana. She made me eat only half, then gave me the rest after about 30 minutes. Then I ate crackers and toast also. She was just glowing with happiness.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked, touching the ceiling with my fingertips. "Well, I had less sleep than you last night, and I didn't have a three hour nap. I'm going to bed. I don't care about what y'all do, but Liam has to relax. I demand that he stays here and rests. He had a rough night." She glared at me, and I sat back down, feeling guilty. She burrowed into my chest, and the boys started bickering about which movie to watch. Aly finally had enough and asked me for a letter. "A" I said, and she responded, "We are watching Alice in Wonderland." Lou put it in, and she fell asleep before the movie started.

"Mate, she really didn't sleep at all last night." Zayn said after a moment, and I frowned. "Look," he said, kicking her foot. She lightly snored on. "That would wake her up normally." Zayn said, and I started feeling really bad about keeping her up all night. "Ugh." I moaned, and Niall panicked and handed me the bowl. I shook my head, and he sat the bowl down. I let her sleep for 4 1/2 hours, and by that time, it was 6:30. I woke her up, and we all ate steak and mashed potatoes from last night. Aly took my temperature again, and it was 99.6. "Well, that means you're symptom free, but you're still contagious." She said, trying to get potatoes from the bowl with a fork. I hugged her, and she smiled. "I'm glad you're feeling better." She grinned, and yawned hugely. I grimanced, and she nodded. "I'm going to eat, then I'm going to bed. Oh, and by the way, only 4 more days." She sang, scarfing down her food. She cleaned the kitchen, and she walked to her bedroom. I followed her, saying goodnight to the boys, and we cuddled in the bed. "We have to buy a door for the bathroom." She said suddenly, and then she sighed. I started humming to her, and I watched her nod off. I soon fell asleep after her.


If you look closely at a tree

you'll notice it's knots and dead branches,

just like our bodies.

What we learn is that

beauty and imperfection

go together


Imperfection~ A Liam Payne Love Story (Watty Awards 2013)Where stories live. Discover now