Chapter 49

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Wohoo double update!
Yeah, I'm sorry for not updating for so long, I had a somewhat busy week, but surprise second update?

I woke up to the sound of screaming.

It was a familiar voice who was screaming in pain.

My head ached as I opened my eyes taking in my surrounding to find Thomas sitting there next to my bed, I was inside my bedroom.

"Newt!" He said happily, I sat up slowly trying to regain focus on what was happening, what had happened, and how I ended up in my room in the first place.

"Grace, get Alby, Newt's awake" Thomas said excitedly, Grace was sitting on a chair by my bed except she had her head laying on the bed and was asleep.

"Let her be, I'll get Alby" Aria said gently, Thomas nodded and helped me sit up properly, placing my pillow behind me, the loud screaming started again and I frowned in confusion, there was no way in hell that was Ben yelling in pain.

"Who's that?" I asked frowning in confusion, how long was I out?

"It's Kiara" Thomas said slowly, his voice was hesitant as he spoke and my own eyes widened as I got out of bed quickly, accidently bumping into Grace and waking her up, she wanted to object but seeing how rushed I seemed her own eyes widened as she and Thomas stood up wanting to stop me.

"What are you two doing?" I asked frowning.

"Look Newt, you don't want to see her like that, we need you to calm down first" Grace said looking me in the eye, Thomas was holding me back from behind me while Grace stood in front of the door blocking it.

"I'm going to see her!" I snapped at the pair, did they really just tell me to leave my girlfriend in that state? 

"You will see her, when she's better Newt" Alby said from behind the door, Grace moved from in front of the door to allow Alby to walk inside before he closed the door behind him and stood in front of me looking me in the eye.

"Alby, what is going on?" I asked frowning.

"Ben is going to get banished today" Alby said cutting to the chase.

"What?" I frowned.

"He tried to attack Thomas, tried killing him too"

"How the hell did he get out of bed when he was just stung?" I asked frowning.

"I don't know, we barely managed to save the shank and you know the rules" Alby said and I nodded, I was surprised but I still nodded.

"Ezio came back with Kiara this morning, he was holding her in his arms while she was unconscious, but she wasn't stung at night, just like Ben she was stung in broad day light" Alby explained and my eyes widened "but, she was stung because she wanted to be"

"Excuse me?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"She's the one who wanted to be stung, she went to the griever herself to get stung, that is why she entered the maze in the first place" Alby explained and my own eyes widened.

"You're joking right? Kiara isn't that reckless" I said looking at him with a frown on my face.

"It isn't her being reckless Newt, she did it to save your lives" Ezio said entering the room, he looked exhausted but I could tell that he could put on a fight should he need to.

"Why?" I asked frowning.

"She finally realized that she needs her memory to survive this, which is why she asked me to go in the maze with her yesterday" Ezio said looking me in the eye "she's fine and safe, nothing has harmed her while she was inside until we saw the griever, which I'm assuming was the one that stung Ben inside the maze this morning, it's dead now, at least I hope it is, I hit it with my blade before lifting Kiara and running away"

"Why can't I see her?" I asked looking at Ezio and Alby who looked at one another as Kiara's screams filled the room again.

"You can if you want to, but we'd prefer that you don't, at least not until the banishing is done" Alby said looking at me but I shook my head, I had to see her, I had to let her know that I was there for her, even if she was tied and in pain, she'd at least know that I was there for her.

"I'm going to see her, then I'll be out with you before the doors are closing" I said looking the lot in the eye, they didn't reply but both of them moved out of the way allowing me to go and see my girlfriend who was currently screaming and withering in pain.

I knew Grace and Thomas were following me, I could sense their presence behind me, but I said nothing as I entered the room to find Aria standing beside Kiara looking at her with tears in her eyes, Clint and Jeff were standing by her side while Kiara's back arched as she fought the restrains while she screamed in pain.

I limped to her side while looking at her with so much pain in my own eyes, it hurt me to see her like this, the purple veins covering her skin, her pain, agony, and hearing her screams, all that tore me apart.

"Stay strong for me love, I know you can"

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