Chapter 1: The Soilder In Red

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Your P.O.V

Journal Entry #1
It's been a while since I've written to you, you could say that I have found myself occupied with fulfilling my duty as a scout. I've only recently made the special operations squad (better known as Levi squad). I have even earned the title of the soldier in red, many of my fellow comrades find it strange but I don't mind at all. I suppose it fits me since I show no mercy to the fiends who massacred my best friend all those years ago when Shiganshina fell.

We were just graduates of the cadet corp back then, before we even had a chance to pick our regiment we were called upon to protect Wall Maria and protect the citizens of Shiganshina. She and I happened to be on the inside of the Wall Maria when the armored titan made his attack. She pushed me out of the way and was crushed.

I still don't remember much from back then. When I awoke I was being watched by Captain Levi, Section Commander Hange, and Commander Erwin through bars. Apparently, I lost control and attempted to harm anyone who had gotten in my way of taking the armored titan head-on.

Thinking about it now always creeps me out, I knew I was strong, I graduated in the top ten of my class I just didn't know I had a dark side to me, a switch that flipped in the face of certain death. I wonder, if my best friend was the one to live, would she have tried to avenge me?

I suppose those are all trivial thoughts now, and somehow I managed to curve my thoughts from one thing to the next, it's been hard for me to focus on one thing since our last reconission mission. My old squad members perished by the absurd amount of large abnormal that attacked us out of nowhere. It had to be one of the reasons I was chosen to be a part of the special operations squad. If this is what it took to make the Captain's Squad then I don't want it.

I can't change the outcome now, I had to live with it now. Why did everyone I cherished so much have to leave me...

"It's insufferable diary! I feel as if I'm going to be lonely forever! If only I could end my own pain and suffering!" Slamming my diary close, I didn't hesitate to retrieve the knife I kept hidden away in my left boot, holding it to Oluo's throat. "What the hell did I tell you about sneaking peaks at my diary your frigin creep!" "Calm down greenie, it's all just fun, I won't tell anyone that you are feeling miserable" and like that he was on the ground.

I had let him go when he connected to the hard concrete ground below him. I wasn't in the mood to deal with him now, not after what he said. People like Oluo are the people who make me sick. My close comrades, who happened to be his comrades as well all perished in our last mission and he didn't feel remorse like I did.

The downfall to the Soldier in Red was feeling too deeply for those who perished on the battlefield. If only she/he/they had the strength to save them. Not being able to bear the pain anymore I took off into Trost District, making it as far as my old childhood home. It was being occupied by a new family now since my parents passed away a few years ago.

Seeing this caused an episode, at that moment I felt dizzy, nauseous and I couldn't see straight. I felt myself falling and I was unable to stop. It felt like forever until my whole body made contact with the same hard concrete path that Oluo's did. One moment I was semi-conscious and the next I was out like a light.

A few days ago
"Cadet (y/n) (l/n) at your service Commander, what can I do for you on this fine afternoon" "Please (y/n), I've told you before the formalities aren't needed, you and I go far back don't we?" "Yes sir, you were the one to save me from the wrath of the Mp's on that fateful day"

"Come you are too modest for your own good, Hange and Levi helped as well, allowing us to take you into our custody" "Your right and for that, I'll be forever grateful, but for now may I ask why you summoned me here?" "Ahh yes, I'm reassigning you to the special operations squad, better known as Levi squad" "Really? But why?" "You have remarkable skills that's why"

"Is that all sir? I don't mean to be rude or anything but are you worried I will rampage again as I did on that fateful day?" "No, it's quite the opposite, in fact, your areas of expertise will be a great addition to Levi's Squad so please don't be so hesitant" "Yes sir, I apologize for doubting you" "No need, now go meet with your new team I'm sure they are all excited to meet you"

Saluting Erwin, I left the room and made my way to the stables where Captain Levi and his team were awaiting my arrival. I've only heard stories but I wonder what they are all like.

Present Day

When I regained consciousness I found that I was no longer in the streets of Trost but in the scout's infirmary with Captain Levi and Oluo having a serious conversation by the door.

"Jeez, what are you two on about" I threw the blankets off of me and attempted to get up failing miserably. For some reason, I was handcuffed to the bed. "Haha very funny Oluo, unchain me now!" The two looked in my general direction before Captain Levi sent Oluo on his way.

"Captain seriously what the hell, enough with the secrecy and tell me what's going on" "You had an attack didn't you" "I did but what does that...." and that's when it all hit me. I must have gone berserk again, it happens whenever I have an attack, I pass out and this other part of me takes over.

"Captain did I?" "No, thankfully Eld and Petra saw you take off, they followed you because they were concerned, from the talk I had with them before, Eld remembered to handcuff you, and brought you here, according to him you were ready to rip heads off" "Damn that's so embarrassing, Are Eld and Petra ok?" "Yes, you managed to head-butt Eld and Kick Petra down but by the time you accomplished that they had already made it back to headquarters"

"Jeez, they must hate me" "No, they admire your animosity, Eld can't stop talking about the power behind your head butt, he said it was like being hit by a bull" sinking further into the bed a bright tint of cherry red covered the surface area of my cheeks. Great, this is just great.

"No need to be embarrassed (y/n), trust me no one hates you" Looking to the Captain his eyes told me that what he was saying was the truth. "Any chance I can get this removed?" "No" "But why!?" "Erwin wants to make sure you don't flip your switch while your sleeping, he has a theory" "A theory?" "Yeah I'm not really sure what but he said if he is right he'll share"

"That's grand, am I going to be able to be free for tomorrow's mission?" "I'm not sure yet, depends on tonight's results, it seems Erwin is really invested" sighing, I lay back down and cover my eyes with my left arm. "I think I'll sleep now, all this strain on my brain is gonna kill me"

"Still dramatic as ever, but I'll let you sleep, oh and before I forget Oluo is to stand guard all night so if you need anything shout for him" "Really? Oluo wants to watch over me?" "He said he feels horrible for causing your attack so he volunteered" "Oh jeez if he keeps this up I'm gonna have to be nice to the guy for once" "It wouldn't kill you to try" "Alright, whatever you say captain" and with that, he left the room.

I don't think Captain Levi and I have ever had a conversation like that before. It was nice to talk to him, he had a genuine smile behind the look in his eyes even though he didn't wear it on his face. I hope I can see that side of the captain more, it made me feel at ease.

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