Her smile grew as I ate the food and slowly deafened my wails as she just slowly fed me. This persisted for a few more minutes until the bread was all and my belly was full. I slowly closed my eyes as I felt my mom place me on her lap. As my eyes slowly fluttered open I looked up to see my mom leaning down close to me. I giggled and reached out to her as she was motionless.

"...Oh you poor thing..."

I heard someone say this to me as I was lifted from my mothers lap.

I reached out to her crying as my mother just fell over motionless. I cried even harder until I was turned around and saw the face of the person carrying me. She wore that outfit I saw a lot of times we were at the church. She offered a soft smile to me as I kept crying wanting my mother.

"There there little one... We can take good care of you..."

She softly spoke bouncing me a little as slowly my tears dried up and I giggled at her.

This was my first memory of my adoptive mother Sister Maeri. After I was found in the slums with my dead mother Sister Maeri brought me to the church. I was bathed and cleaned and clothed like brand new. I was played with between services and taught to love and respect god. It wasn't too long till I was praying with the others to god and showing my appreciation. Today I turned seven and it was the middle of prayer time.

So I sat on the bench next to other members of our church as the Father recited the holy scriptures. I kept my eyes closed and my hands tightly clasped together. I thought with all my might and heart hoping to be able to speak with god himself like the Father can.

"Dear heavenly Father watching over us from above. Thank you for the blessing of life and the blessing of joy you have bestowed upon our world. I pray that you will continue to bless us with your love and kindness as you have blessed us before... And tell my mom I love her... Amen..."

I finished reciting my prayer in my head just saying everything that I hear except for the last part that I wish to know.

After we had finished prayers Sister Maeri tapped me on the shoulder as I turned to her with a smile. She returned it in kind and extended her hand as I held it tightly. We walked out of the church and to the courtyard as I saw the others left at the church or found like myself. The only one that I knew to a degree was Tae a boy who was left at the church steps six years ago.

"Now you play nice with Tae today (Y/n) while we have a sermon alright? I better not hear about you two fighting is that clear otherwise the creatures of sin will come for you in the middle of the night and take you into the woods."

She said as I shivered a bit scared of the creatures of sin, their black exteriors and bone white protrusions.

"I-I won't Si-Sister Maeri! I-I promise!!"

"You better be now I will come get you all when the sermon is over then we can have some bread."

She said with a smile on her face as she patted my head gently before turning back.

I watched as she walked away before looking over at Tae as he just had this look on his face. The kind of look that made me wanna not play nice with him, however the thought of being taken by the creatures of sin kept me in line. So I went about just walking around the courtyard before finding a stick. And it wasn't just any stick it was a cool stick, it looked a lot like a sword. So like anyone would do I picked it up and for the first time felt something weird as I swung it around in the air.

I was just swinging it away from the other kids to make sure I was playing nice until I hit something. I jumped a bit out of shock not exactly paying attention before seeing another really cool stick against mine. I looked at it seeing it in the hands of Tae as we shared this look of wonder.

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