Ch62 Scrap book moments

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Lexi P.O.V

I smile as everyone looked at me. I had the book behind my back and held it there. "What is it?" Sjin asked. I grin and pull the scrap book round. "I made it. For you guys." I mumble as I hand it over. The front was a simple cream colour with a few glittery stickers and the Words:
'My Yog Family!'

On the front.

And inside had any pictures I could scaveng out of house and Yogtowers.

"How long did it take to make?" Simon asked as he flicked the page. I beam. "A good few months." I say truthfully. Trott laughs. "You actually got a pic of the leg waxing." He said happily. I giggle. "Yeah of course. Best Hat Films moment ever!" I cheer. Lewis flicked onto the next page and Turps' face brightened. I knew exactly why. "Aww Lex. You used the pic of baby Turpin's first scan." I nod. "That's one of the most awesomest things in the book!" I tell them. I sit with them as they flick through the book. Pointing out key moments and laughing at the happy memories. I smile. "Alexia. This is just brilliant. Thank you." Lewis said. "Thank me? I should be thanking you. I've gone through some tough shit. We hall have. But no matter what you guys have always been there for me. Making me smile and laugh." I smile. I look and Martyn and the now heavily pregnant Kaeyi and smile. "Martyn and Kaeyi took me in before they even knew a single detail over my name. Simon and Turps done all they could to make me laugh and smile even when I didn't want to. Hannah and Kim are the best gal pals I could ask for. Sjin didn't give up on me in anything and Hat Films....meh! They've done all that and more. Well....except the gal pal part." I giggle. "And all the other Yogs are just the best family I could ask for." I tell them. They all smile at me and Ross comes over giving me a hug. I hug him back. "It's an amazing gift. Thank you Lexi." He told me. Suddenly Simon jumped up and down holding a hat with paper inside. "We almost forgot secret santa!" He squealed. I stare at him. "Simon it's Christmas. All the shops will be closed." I tell him. He squats away what I said and says. "This is Bristol. There will be some shops open." I giggle and everyone picks a name out of the hat.


Easy enough. I smile and everyone receives £30 to spend. I grab Cat and Hollie as I speed out and into town. Hollie had Duncan and Cat was helping us hunt. "What do you think Sjin would like?" She asked me. I let out a 'pfft' and say. "Something Frozen." She laughs. "He already has the dress as wig." I giggle as us three girls walk onto the high street. We walk past all the closed and abandoned shops. "No where's open." Hollie said as she looked around us. I pull our my phone and look at the time. "Well it's almost 4 so we need to hurry. We have to be back by near 5." I tell them. Just as I put it back in my pocket the garden centre came into view. "Hey look. The garden centres open." Cat pointed out. I nod. "Let's check there." Just as I said that Kim and Hannah ran in there. "Come on!" Cat coaxed as we ran up to it. We ran into the door and I bumped into Hannah. "Whoa. Hey Lex." She laughed. I snicker. "Hey Hannah." Then Cay dragged me away. "Bye Hannah!" I laugh. I link arms with Hollie as Cat drags us to the frozen section of the toy part. I loon at all the mugs and dolls and hair accessories with a smile. "Maybe we could braid his beard." Cat laughed as Hollie disappeared to look for her gift. I burst out laughing and pick up a Elsa style make up kit. "And maybe a little foundation." I joke. We laugh and I add that to the basket which already carries a mug and Elsa crown. "Maybe this?" Cat asked as she held up the Froze sound track. I beam. "Yes! Add it to the basket and we'll go find Hollie." She nods and adds it to the basket. Then we drag that along to find Hollie. She's waiting for us in the animal section. Where all the bunnies and hamsters are kept. "What you get Duncan?" I ask. She held up two items. One of those car hangers that hang in the back window saying:
'Over sized science contraption on board.' (There's actually one of these in my local garden centre.) And a mug saying.
'I don't do drugs. I am drugs."

I giggle. "Okay. It's quarter past 4 so we best pay and get back." They nod and we begin to walk. But as we do a tiny 'meow' draws my attention to the pens behind me. I looked in at the small litter of multi coloured kittens. My heart melted. "Oh my god. Their so cute." I coed as I dropped to my knees and tap at the wire that blocks me from them. Cat and Hollie kneel next to me. "They're so cute. And small." Cat whispered. I didn't take notice though. I was to busy gazing at the small black kitten that was struggling to stay on all four paws. I giggled as he squealed when his older siblings pushed past him. He complained in tiny squeaks and looked over at me. I poked my finger through the bars and he padded over. "Hey there cutie." I cooed. He sniffed at my finger and I lightly tapped his nose. Making him sniffle and sneeze. "Aww Lexi's made a friend." Hollie teased. The kittens small bright blue eyes sparkled and i smiled. "He's cute but we need to go." They nod and I get up. Trying to ignore the tiny squeaks of his protests. I wave lightly and he stands on his hind legs and pressed his front paws on the wires. "Bye cutie." I whisper. He meows and we walk away. We walk up to the pay point and buy our things before making our way back to the warehouse. And all I say is. "BEST CHRISTMAS EVER!!!"

I love secret santa. It's fun.

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