CH2- song request from WHO!?

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Lewis P.O.V

I walked past Simon's office. I hear him do a little cheer. I pere through the window in his door and see why. He's on his computer. Nothing new. He probably just playing another one of his games. He looks over at me and smiles. "Come in Lewis!" He calls through the door. I open the door. "What you doing friend?" I ask. He smiled "just sending a tweet!" I walk over. "To who?" He clicks on a few links and a YouTube channel popped up. "Diggy Diggy Dancer?" I questioned as I read the name. He nodded. "Her real name is Alexia and she and her friends have a little group! They do Minecraft and other games" he tells me. "So why did you tweet her?" I ask still very confused. "She does song covers with her friends and I asked if she could do Diggy Diggy Hole!" He smiled. I laughed. "But Lewis! There is something about her that freaks me out." He says. I stop laughing. "And that is?" I ask. He gave me a serious look "Alexia's last name is Hornby! Just like Ross." I shrug "just a coincidence?" I say. He chuckles "but she's exactly like him!" To prove his point he clicked on one of her latest videos which was a Garry's murder mod. I have to admit that she and her friends were funny. Simon told me who was who. So there was Nikki, Livi, Luke, Rachel and of course Alexia who likes to be called Lexi. "I'm coming to kill you Lexi!" Nikki teased. "No! Eat Shit! Leave me alone!" Alexia yelled. I glanced at Simon. "Ross says that a lot." I said. "Come on Lexi! 10 seconds left!" Livi cheered. "No! You will fail! I will kill yo-! Where did you go?" Nikki was confused. Then there was a bang of a gun and Nikki yelled "DAMN YOU LEXI!!" Alexia laughed. "Ahh! A killed you mother fucker!" Luke, Livi and Rachel laughed. "I killed ya! I killed ya! I killed ya! Oh yeah yeah!" Lexi sang. "You ain't got nothing on me!" They all laughed. "Nikki you suck at these games!" Rachel told him. I couldn't help but laugh. "How old our these kids?" I asked still laughing. "About 16-17" Simon explained. "Oh look! She's uploaded a Vlog!" Simon clicked on the thumbnail. I sat and watched with him. It started with them in a mini bus, laughing and joking. Then someone started filming Lexi asleep. Totally not creepy. Then she wakes up because she wacks her head off the window and glares at the camera. "Wakey Wakey!" I'm guessing Nikki said. "Eat shit Nikki!" Lexi shot. I laughed and continued to watch. Soon they came to a log cabin and someone said "it looks like a place a murder could happen!" Me and Simon laugh. "Then you better stay in my good books!" Alexia joked. We watched until the end came near. Nikki and Luke were giving a tour od the cabin when Alexia screamed "HOLY SHIT!" They glanced at one another before they ran to her room. "Lexi! What's wrong?" Nikki asked passing the camera to Luke and helping her off the floor. "YOGSCAST!!" She yelled. Me and Simon looked at each other then back at the screen. They all seemed confused. She held up her phone. "Lewis and Simon have sent us a song request!" She and her other two friends freaked. "What's the song?" Luke asked. "Diggy Diggy Hole!" Alexia yelled jumping up and down on her bed. Then the Video ended. I looked over at Simon. It was strange how alike she was to Ross.

Alexia P.O.V

*to next morning!*

I wake in my bed. It's really comfortable and I don't want to get out of it. I lay back and let my head sink into the pillow. I spot my camera at my bedside table and pick it up. I run a brush through my hair and press record. "Hey Internet!" I whisper. "I've just woken up and today we have to practice out shots before we go hunting!" Suddenly Olivia pounced on me making the camera fall onto the bed. "Morning!" She whisper yelled. I giggle "be careful! I'm recording you numb nut!!" I pick up the camera and say "you will never guess what Internet!" I hear Olivia snicker. "If you hadn't seen the Vlog from last night then you won't know!" I continued. Olivia got into shot "we got a song request from-!"

"LEWIS AND SIMON FROM THE YOGSCAST!! THEY WANT US TO SING DIGGY DIGGY HOLE!!" Luke and Nikki yelled as she ran into our room with Rachel. Me and Olivia screamed and fell of my bed. Nikki tripped on the rug and landed on top of me. Awkward! "Nikki! Get off!" I laugh. He smiles "sorry!" I hear Luke laughing. "Young love!" Olivia said from the camera. I pushed Nikki off. "Shut up Livi!" I sneer. What i failed to notice was that Nikki was blushing. I got up "and your still recording!" I say unhappily. Luke laughed. I growled. "Luke I'm going to Diggy Diggy a hole that I'm going to put your dead body in!" He shut up. I giggled "I'm kidding!" He smiled. "Well I'm going to go get ready!" Then he walked out. Nikki followed him in silence. I sat on my bed. "Awkward!" All three of us said. I laughed and went to my back pack. "Fuck a duck! My mother packed me enough sweets to last a year!" I yelled only just seeing the massive amount of chocolates and Haribo in my bag. I pull out a handful of packs of sweets and turn to the camera. "Lookie what he have here!" I cheer. Rachel laughs "let's switch the camera off!" I nod and Olivia stops recording. I out the sweets back and grab some clothes and toiletries. Then I run to the bathroom and claim it. I have a quick shower and get dressed. After I'd brushed my teeth I went back to the bedroom. "I knew you would wear that!" Olivia said pulling on a jumper. I look down at my Magic Police shirt. "What? I like it!" I wrap a jumper round my waist and grab my bow and arrows. I sling my bow over my shoulder and hold my arrows in their carrier. We walk to the kitchen and met the sweet smell of waffles and pancakes. We look at each other and yell "PANCAKES!!" Before we run and sat at the table. Rachel was already eating and Nikki and Luke were just sitting down. "Morning kids!" Mr Brothers greeted. "Hey!" I said stuffing some pancake and strawberries into my mouth.

After we had breakfast Mr Brothers took us out to practice our shots. "Why do you insist on using your archery kit?" Nikki asked as I set up my bow with an arrow. "Because I find it easier to use then a gun." I tell him. He shrugs. I look at the target ahead of me. All it was, was a spray paint bullseye on a tree. I lifted my bow and aimed it. I pulled back the string to my cheek. I take a deep breath and...lose! I let the arrow free. It flies at the tree with great speed. "Nice shot!" Nikki praised me as I hit the center. "I think our P.E teacher would be proud!" Olivia said. I spot the camera in her hand. I jump up and down at my success. Suddenly a gun fired and We all hit the ground. "I hate gun shots!" Olivia moaned. I nodded in agreement. Then a dead bird land next to me. I screamed "Yaaaaa!" I jumped up and scrambled behind the tree I shot. "Fuck a duck!" I yelled. I look at it and realise it's a dead duck. "Er...pun not intended." I say poking my head round the tree. Nikki laughed. "Who shot that?" He asked. Mr Brothers came running through the trees and to where we were. "Sorry! I didn't mean for it to land here!" He apologised. I didn't move from my place. "Just get rid of it!" I squeak. He laughs and picks it up by its feet. This makes Olivia scream. Me and Nikki laugh. I pick the camera up off the floor. "That pun was perfect!" Luke said as he and Rachel ran towards us. I laugh and point the camera at the duck. "Say hello to our dinner!" Mr Brothers said hold up the dead duck. Rachel and Olivia scream. Me and the boys laugh. "Dad that's discusting!!" Rachel squealed. He laughed and left us. "I am not eating that!" I say to the camera. I continued to walk and talk to the camera. And obviously not paying attention to where i was going. Suddenly my foot met thin air. I drew my attention back to what i was doing and fell foward. I fell into the lake. I screamed as i made contact with the water. The camera slipped from my hand. And landed on the shore. I kicked through the water and broke to the surface, coughing and spluttering. I heard laughing. I looked over at my friends. Luke had the camera in his hand and was practically pissing himself. I giggled and swam to the shore. "Are you okay?" Nikki asked laughing and holding out his hand. "Well I'm a little wet!" I say pushing my water logged hair out of my face. "Well at least I'm not!" He said proudly as my hand grabbed his. "Oh really?" I ask and idea popping into my head. "Do I look wet to yo-whoa!" I yanked him into the water. "You do now!" I laugh as I splash him. "Hey!" He yells and splashed me back. I scream and we get into a fight. Splashing water at one another. "When you two have finished your water fight!" Rachel said giggling. Me and Nikki laugh before we climb out. "Your an idiot!" I tell Nikki. He laughs. "Yup!" He says. "Come on! I need to change.......Oh great! My Magic Police tops all wet!" I moan. I turn to the camera. "Kill me! I've just gone and gotten my favourite top wet!" I turn my friends "do anyone your have one of your guns handy?" I asked jokingly. They all look confused. I giggle "never mind!"

After me and Nikki got changed we set up everything for the song we had to sing. "You bring the head sets?" I ask Olivia as I unplugged the camera from its charger. She nodded and pulled out some head phones and portable mics. "Yup!" I smiled. After another 20 minutes we were all set up. I dragged the others into the room, sat them in front of the camera and said "one of you needs to sing Simon's part because he's the main singer!" They all starred at me. "What?" I ask. "Why don't you do it?" Luke asked. "Yeah! You have the best voice!" They all agreed. I hung my head. "Fuck you......Fuck you all!" I mutter. They laugh. "Well let's record!" I straighten out my Jaffa Space Jumper and press record. "Hey Internet! Kill me please!" Nikki laughs. I roll my eyes and continue. "It is time! Let's sing Diggy Diggy Hole!" I look at Olivia and she smiles. "Thanks to my friends I'm leading the song!" I hide my face. "Kill me......just kill me now!" I look at the camera. "I love to sing and all but I can't sing the lead role, but hey! I'm doing it because it was requested by....... The one and only YOGSCAST Lewis and Simon!" Rachel squeals. I cover my ears. "Holy fudge Rachel! My ears are bleeding!!" Nikki complained. "When did you start speaking dolphin?" Olivia asked. I laughed. "I've gone deaf!" Luke screamed. I shove him away by the face. And he falls off his chair. "When did you become a murder victim?" I asked. He glared at me. I giggled. "Get up will you! It's rude being on the floor!" I tell him. "But you pushed me down here!" I shot. "No I didn't!"

"Yes you did!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

It went on like that for about 3 minutes. "That's not making the cut!" I say as I adjust my mic. We laugh. "Should we start?" Olivia asked. I nod. And start the music.

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