Ch91- all I can do is cry

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Alexia P.O.V

I sat in my new get up. A beautiful black knee length dress with black heels. With a pair of diamond heart earings and an 'infinity' necklace. My hair was in an Elsa inspired braid with a black flower pinning my hair out of my face. With a light dusting of silver eyeshadow and some lip gloss. I was ready for one of the worst days of my life.

I sat on my bed tapping silver painted nails on my phones screen. "Alexia?" Ross asked walking in. I had asked Ross to come with me since I couldn't go alone. He was dressed smartly for once.  In a black suit with a purple tie. "Wow. You scrubbed up well." I cracked a teary smile. He chuckles. "Yeah. Your big brother looks good in a suit huh?" He asked smiling. I giggle. "Well I've only ever seen you in casual dress so I wouldn't know." I say sticking out my tongue. He smiles and sits next to me. "I know this is hard Alexi-"

"You know nothing." I mutter. He sighs. "Your right. I don't. You've been through more then i have." I close my eyes and put my face in my hands. "What do I do Ross? I lose every one I love. Mum. Dad. Danny. And i don't know what I'd do if i lost you or any of the Yogs." I whisper. My brother sighs and hugs me. "You don't have to do anything. Just be you. That's all." He tells me. "Your shit at giving advice." I giggle. He pushes me playfully. "Hey. You asked for it." He laughs.

**2 and a half hours later**

Ross P.O.V

Alexia sat next to me with her hands in her lap as we sat down for the meal. She seemed nervous. Scared. Every now and then the would dust her left shoulder as if shooing away a fly. Even the odd mumble of 'leave me be'. I was confused. I got even more confused when she got up and walked out. Somethings up with her. I need to find out.

Alexia P.O.V

I must be going insane. I can here Danny's voice. Telling me things. It's not normal. I can feel his presence as if he was right behind me. I feel his hand on my shoulder. All throughout the funeral service i felt his hand on my shoulder. I would brush it away and mutter for him to leave me be but he wouldn't leave.

When i sat down to eat i heard him again. Completely freaked out i got up and hurried to the women's toilets. Locking the door so no one else could come in.

"Go away." I whisper.

'Go away? But I only just got here.' Danny's voice taunted. I shiver. "I don't care. Leave me alone!" I nearly yell.

'But the fun has only just begun.' He taunted again. I was about to yell when a loud buzz came from my phone. I sigh. Glad for the distraction.

It was from Martyn.

M: Alexia. Help! Kaeyi's waters broke. Idk what to do!


A: hold on. I'll be there soon!

And with that I ran out to find Ross. Ignoring anything Danny said.

Who's creeper out now?!?!!?!!?!?

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