A/N 1K VOTES!!!!

936 36 11


I know you all want the next chapter really badly because of where I left it. And I don't blame you. I'm don't even know why I wrote that. But I have some really good news.

Related to Him has just reached 1K votes.

1000 PEOPLE!!!!

Thank you all so much. I never ever thought I'd get this much support on this story. You are all amazing and have made my year a whole tone better. Even when i was in hospital i got more concern from you guys then my real friends. (Mostly because they never knew so..yeah) so I want to give you all a BIG thank you.

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!

And also a big thanks to @Bigcatkittycat who has literally been here helping me with how I should build my chapters from the start. Seriously. If I got a really weird idea I would tell her and she would make it less weird and usable. So thanks buddy! (Also check out her books. She's an awesome writer!:)

Love you all my little snowflakes!


P.s new chappy up soon.

And quick question for Lexi's sake because idk.

Freak out or kiss back?


Related to Him! (Yogscast/Hat Films/Ross Hornby) 1/3Where stories live. Discover now