CH12- artistic talents?

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Lexi P.O.V

"DUNCAN!!" I scream as I run into Yogtowers. "LEXI!!" Duncan screamed back. I was going to school tomorrow and I was terrified. Me and Ross had spent all day yesterday getting things that I needed. "WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU!?!" I ask, almost dropping the plastic bag that's in my hand. "Right behind you!" He chuckled. I turned to face him. "Help me!" I beg. "With what?" He asked, smiling like he would usually. "I've got to go to fucking school tomorrow!" I pout. He pretends to be shocked. "Oh no!" I cross my arms and just stare at him. "Your as big a dick as my brother!" I say, only just keeping myself from laughing at his facial expression. He laughs and I just face palm. "Moving on from my panic attack, I want to say thank you for the raptor teddy." I pull it out of the bag I was holding. He beams at me. "You like it then?" I shake my head and his smile wavers. "No I don't like it.....I FUCKING LOVE IT!!" I yell. "How did you know that I absolutely love Jurassic Park?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I've watched some of your videos." I catch on. " doodle draw thing with Luke! Drawing Dinosaurs!" He nods. "You said that your all time favourite film was Jurassic park and that you would kill for a raptor teddy!" I giggle. "I also asked how Luke would prefer to die, by a T-rex or a pack of raptors! Luke being the way he is said Raptors!" Duncan smiled and finished my sentence with me. "When everyone knows that you'd rather be killed by a T-rex then by raptors because it's over quickly and less painful!" I laugh. "Well I'm going to go have a go at Ross! See ya later!" He waves as I walk away. "Bye!"

I slowly approach the Hat Films office, making sure the red light wasn't flashing. I knock lightly on the door. "Come in!" Trott sings. I push open the door. "ROSS HORNBY I GOING TO KILL YOU!!!" I scream. Both Smith and Trott jump. "Lexi you have to go to school." Ross said plainly, not even looking at me. "Dick." I muttered. "It's not the fact I'm going to school. It's the fact I'm going alone to school!!" Smith snickered. "Awww! Is poor Lexi going to school alone?" I shoot him an icy glare. "I hate you..." He snickers and i roll my eyes. "I need to calm down!" I say. "How about a game of GTA?" Trott suggested. I shake my head. "You got any paper? And a pencil? Or pen?" I ask. He nods and holds out a pen and a paper pad. "You like to draw?" He asked. I nod. "It's helps clear my mind." I tell him. "What do you draw?" I shrug. "Anything really." "Can you draw me something?" He asked. I nod. "What do you want?" He looks thoughtful. "An animal?" He looks at me. I smile. "Sure! That's easy!" I walk over to the small grey sofa and sit down on it.

Ross P.O.V

Lexi sat on the sofa and began her drawings. I looked over at Chris who had his phone in his hand. He clicked on it a few times before putting it down on his table. Suddenly my phone beeped. I picked it up and read the message.
Trott: what are you worrying about? The fans will love her!

I glared over at him. I was worried about the fans not liking her. Especially after the other day at the cafè.
Ross: Fuck you Trott!

I sent the message and a few minutes later Trott's laugh. I continued to edit my videos when I heard Alexia yell "Done!" Chris looked up. "You've only been there 15 minutes! You can't be done already!" She shrugs. "Well I am!" She hands him the picture. "Holy shit! Alexia this is fucking amazing!" Trott said wide eyed. She blushed slightly at the compliment. "Thanks. I practice a lot!" She smiles. "Lemme see." Alex asked. She took the paper from Chris and took it to Alex. He looked over it. "Wow! You have some talent!" He said to her. She beamed at me. "You wanna see it?" She asked me. I nod and she brings it over. And no doubt it's as amazing as they say it is. It's a small white tiger cub sitting, smiling. I chuckle at it. "This is amazing Lexi!" I tell her. She jumps. "Really? You think so?" I nod. "You keep this up and you'll do great at school!" She spins happily on her toes and faces Trott. "I'll take that game of GTA now!" She perks. Trott smiled. "Let's see how good you are!" She flipped her hair. "Try me bitch!" She challenged.

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