Ch42 riddles

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This is going to be a bit short. HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!! :)

Lexi P.O.V

I feel anger boiling in the put of my stomach. But as I look into Nikki's eyes it melts into fear. His eyes glittered with a crazed spark. His nose had clearly been broken, but the smirk he wore sent a scared shiver up my spine. "Nikki!? What are you doing here!?" I ask angrily. He grins. This was not my old friend. "I just came to see you. My love." He whispers. Okay this boy is what? 17? My grandfather spoke like that. Not in the weird creepy way but he said stuff like 'my dear' and 'my love, and even scarier 'My precious.' "Why?! You know that your not wanted here!" I hiss. His smile widens. 'Okay. This is not normal." I tell myself. "I only wanted to tell you something. To make....A deal." He whispered in my ear. I bite my lip in an attempt not to punch him. He was really making me tick. "What do you mean a deal?" I ask slowly. He tuts. "You haven't noticed have you? That one of your friends are missing." I blink. I hadn't been to Yogtowers in almost a week. "Missing!? Why you dirty son of a bi-!" He cut me off my pushing me against the wall and kissing me. Absolutely disgusted, I shove him off. "You bastard!" I yell as I wipe my mouth and spit on the floor. "Oh Alexia. Sweet, sweet Alexia. You know I've always had a soft spot for you." He cooed. I wasn't buying it. I could taste alcohol on my lip. He had been drinking! "Nikki have you been drinking!?" I ask. He nods happily. I should have known by his slightly slurred speech. I sigh. "I'll start again. What do you mean by one of my friends are missing?!" I ask through gritted teeth. He smiles. "I came to make a deal. Either you come home with me and I hand over your friend. Or I leave you to hunt them down all on your own." I launch at him. Grabbing his collar. "You messed up prick! I'm going to kill you!" I hiss as I pin him to the wall. "Tell me where my friend is or I slit your throat!" I threaten. He squeaks as my grip tightens. "Alright! I'll tell you!" He wines. I drop him to the floor. "Man your hot when your angry." I said as he straightened his collar. I slap his cheek. "Tell me! Now!" I demand. He rolls his eyes. "Fine I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way." Fuck. He was going to do his riddles. "Continue." I mutter. Smiling, he recites his riddle.
Your friend awaits you deep down in the dark.
Where he can on hear the singing of the family of skylarks.
That place is where faint memories sing.
Where we used to play upon the old rope swing.

I fucking hate his riddles. But before I could utter a word I was hit around the head. Affectively knocking me unconscious.

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