Ch56 the New Mrs Brindley

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Lexi P.O.V

We were going to end the stream soon. In about two hours. XP And I was half asleep. I sat with my head on my arms on the table next to the laptop. I was meant to be reading comments. But no.


I jolt up at Sjin's singing. "Fuck my life." I mutter as I stretch away the sleepiness. Or some of it at least. "Wake up sleepy." Smith nudged me. I groggily squat at his face with my hand. "Fuck off." I whimper as I blink away the sleep in my eyes. He chuckles and Sjin stops singing. "Tone deaf mother fucker!" I chirp. Hannah smiled. "Your not built for late nights." I face palm. "Yeah I'm not. But I can do an all nighter." I tell her. "Yeh. That's not true." Smith said. I hit his arm. He hits me back. I hit him harder. He hits me back harder. I narrow my eyes. "Oh it is on." I mutter. I hit him again. He yelps. He hits me back. I yelp. Then we get into a full blown slappy fight. "DIEDIEIDIEDIEDIEDIEDIE!!!" I yell. He laughs. "LEXI!!!" He cries.

"When you to are quite finished." I heard someone say. I look up from beating Smith black and blue to see Lewis. "That was the worst posh accent ever." I tell him. He scoffs. "Like you could do any better." I roll my eyes. "Try me. Wachya doing here?" I ask. But I already have the idea. He smiles and walks over to Hannah. She goes to hug him but is shocked when he drops down onto one knee. Her blue eyes fill with tears as he pulled out 'zhe ring sized box'. "Hannah Rutherford. You are the light of my life and I would be nothing with out you. And I want to spend the rest of my days with you. So...With you do me the great honour of marrying me?" He smiled. She was lost for words. "Y-yes! Of course Lewis!" She cried. And the chat actually broke.....well we're not gonna be streaming for a week. Nah. If we don't. We'll have a big mob of angry Yognaughts outside. And no one would survive!!!

Sorry it's short. BUT IT'S CUTE!!!!!

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