Forgotten Chapter 7

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Some one! Anyone!! Kill me!! Read the title!!! I FORGOT CHAPTER SEVEN!! HOW?!? Some one give me a gun!! Literally im the only person that woukd so that! LITERALLY!! That means that this is actually chapter 20 but it's also chapter 7 at the same time. Urg....fuck my life. Anyway enjoy!

Lexi P.O.V

Today we didn't have to get up that early! Half seven. That's still to early. "I hope your ready for a busy day." Lewis said as me and Hollie joined them at breakfast. I groan and sit in my seat, putting my head to the table. "You okay?" Martyn asked. "Shhh." I mumble. "I'm still sleeping." Hollie nudges me. "Get over it." She says. I scowl at her. "You can't talk! The room was literally vibrating by the way you were snoring!" I inform her. We glare at one another. "Isn't friendship wonderful." Simon laughed. I giggle a bit. "So what's the plan for today?" I ask as I pour myself some orange juice. "Well today is the beginning of Minecon so that means panels....panels ever where!" Lewis says bluntly. "Okay." I smile. "But in today's first panel at 2 o'clock you will be introduced to the fans." Simon told me. I drop my cup. Making orange juice fly over the table. "Shit! Sorry!" I curse. Duncan helps me wipe up the orange juice. "I'm such in idiot." I mutter as I sit back down. "Not an idiot just clumsy." Ross corrected me. I took my eyes and concentrate on eating.

**at Minecon (I have no idea what I'm doing for now on....-_-)**

"Okay were on stage in one hour!" Turps told me. I was not over the fact that i was being introduced to the fans. 'What if they don't like me? What if I get hate? Oh god the hate!' My mind was in full freak out mode as Turps sorted out my mic that clipped onto my blue Hat Films hoodie. "I don't know if I can do this!" I blurt. He smiles a reassuring smile. "You'll be fine." He says calmly. "No I fucking won't! I'm petrified!" I tell him. He can see the fear in my eyes. "It's not that bad." He explains. "Go suck an egg! Your used to it! I've never done this before and there's a ton of people out there and I just wanna go home!" You could hear the fear in my voice. I was practically shaking. He sighs. "Look. All you have to do is answer some questions and play some GTA. It's like another day in the office!" I run my hand through my hair. "Except I'm being watched and judged by a fuck ton of people!" I whisper yell at him. He looks like he just understood something. "I get it. You afraid that people will hate you and judge you." He says knowingly. I nod slowly. "I'm not afraid. I'm fucking petrified! Mark what do I do!?" I ask desperately. He smiles. "Just be yourself." He says simply. l huff. "Easier said then some you fuck nut!" He laughs. "See! That's the Lexi we know and love! Just be yourself and If people have a problem..."

"They can shove it where the sun don't shine!" I finish for him. He nods. "Exactly." I laugh a little. "Okay I'm a little more calm now. Anyway. We have an hour till we go on, right?" I ask. He looks at his watch. His eyes widen. Fucking great. "Oh fuck! No! In 15 minutes actually!" He exclaims. "What?! Are you fucking kidding me!!" I yell. All that fear returning. I pull out my phone. 13:46. I groan and whimper at the same time. "Kill me!" I cry. He rolls his eyes and drags me to my brother. "Ross! Lexi has stage fright!" He yelled. I growl. "Fuck you." I hiss. I looked over at Ross. He was as calm as the sea on a spring morning. Lucky bastard. "You okay Lexi?" He asked. I pull my arm from Turps' grip. "Just fucking fine and dandy!" I sat with some load of sarcasm. "Something tells me otherwise." He stated. "No Shit Sherlock!" I growl. He laughs slightly. "At least you won't be alone. Hollie will be joining you." I face lights up. "Really!? I'm not facing fucked up hell alone?" I ask with to much enthusiasm. He nods, laughing. "I couldn't let my best friend face that crowd alone!" Hollie's voice said from behind me. I turn round and we smile at each other. "Yogscast! Your needed on stage!" A man's voice said. I faced Ross. "Go no! Get you ass on stage!" I said to him. He smiled and followed the rest of the Yogscast on stage. The crowd went fucking wild! That's when fear hit me hard. I shook it off as they took their seats and Lewis welcomed everyone. Me and Hollie sat for 5 minutes while Lewis and Simon joked about. Then Lewis said this. "But that's not important right now. What's important is the good news that Ross has." My breath caught. This could only end two ways....
I'm going to cry..... bye

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