CH1- camping trip

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Alexia P.O.V

"Lexi! Are you nearly done?" My mother called from down stairs. "Yeah mum! I'm almost done!" I yell back. I stuff my clothes in to my backpack. I grab my archery kit and sling in over me. I quickly flick a brush through my long brown hair and then shove it in my bag. I grab my bag and sprint down stairs. I ran into the large kitchen and snatched an apple from the fruit bowl. I took a bite of the overly juicy fruit. "You excited?" My dad asked from over the top of his newspaper. "Yeah!" I yell swallowing my apple. I was going on a hunting trip with my four friends Nikki, Luke, Olivia and Rachel. It wasn't my first but i loved going out with my friends. "Dad where's my camera?" I asked. "In the living room dear!" My mother answered for him. I ran into the Living room and grabbed my video camera. "Why do you need it?" She asked polishing her China vase. "New Vlog for my channel!" I chirp as I shoved it into my bag. She laughed "you are so proud of that channel of yours!" I smiled. My channel was called Diggy Diggy Dancer! Me and my friends ran our own little group. Olivia was called Dancing Dreamgamer. Rachel was How do I play this gamer. Luke was Lukewarm Minecrafter. And Nikki was just Nikki Cube. We were proud of our channels. We have over three thousand subscribers each. All we did was make dances up to requested songs. We did covers for those songs as well. We did Minecraft and requested games. "Yeah I am!" I say smugly. She laughs again. I run upstairs and into my room. My phone is sitting on charge on my . Suddenly my eye caught my Honeydew plushie sitting on my pillow. I smiled at it and walked over and picked it up. It was so cute! I put it in my bag. I went to my wardrobe and pulled out my ballet slippers. Me and Olivia take classes every week and we practice when we can. I pack them as well. All of a sudden my phone blasted the Diggy Diggy hole song. I ran over and answered it. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey Lexi!" Olivia yelled down the phone. I yanked it away from my ear. "Jesus Livi! My ears are bleeding!" I wine. She giggles. "We're almost there!" She told me. "Thanks for the info my fellow Yognua(gh)t!" I say as I salute. Not that she can see me. She laughs and the line goes dead. I sigh and go onto YouTube. Nothing new from the Yogscast. Or any one else. I shrug. Suddenly I hear a car beep it's horn. "Alexia!" I hear my dad call. "Coming!" I call back. I shove my phone and my charger in my pocket. And a secret little devise my dad gave me yesterday. I slid down the banister and land on my feet. I run into the kitchen and see my mum zipping up my bag. She smiles and passes it to me. I sling it over my shoulder and pick up my bow and arrows. "See you on Sunday!" I call as I run out the house and towards the mini bus that had pulled up. The door slid open and I sprang inside. "Hi Lexi!" All my friends cheered at me. "Hey guys!" I yelled enthusiastically. "Hey Mr Brothers!" I said to Rachel's dad who had planned this trip. "Morning Alexia! You ready for five days with no wifi?" I smirk and sit in a seat next to Nikki. "No I've got wifi!" I say. He looks confused. I pull out my little secret devise. "Say hello to ma little friend!" I say as I hold it up. "What is that?" Luke asked. I smile "just a portable wifi devise!" My friends look at it in awe. I put it in my bag and pull out my camera. "Let's do a Vlog!" I cheer. Mr brothers drives away. They all laugh. I press record "hello Internet! Lexi here with Nikki, Livi, Rachel and Luke! And we're going hunting!" I turn the camera and they all wave at it. "Hey Internet!" They yell. I giggle. "This means no gaming vids for about a week!" I say as I turn the camera back. "Sorry! But we will do a lot of Vlogs!" "We can't do much else." Luke muttered. I turn the camera to his sulking face. "Awwww is Luke going into a strop because of a lack of Minecraft?" I aks mockingly. Olivia hit the back of his head. "Your not the only one who's suffering!" We all burst out laughing. "We're going into a cabin in the woods and spending five days there!" I tell the camera. Suddenly Rachel gasped "we can go find Slender Man!!" Luke and Nikki laugh. "Yeah Yeah! You'd run away screaming at the snap of a twig!" Nikki said through his fit of giggles. I turn the camera to him. "Yeah but your to scared of doing an easy front flip off a table at school!" Rachel shot back. Me and Livi laughed. "Hey! You three make it look easy! But I don't see the point in breaking any bones!" He argued. I rolled my eyes. "Stop arguing! Jeez you guys the Internet don't wanna see that!" They stopped their quarrel and sat in silence. Me and Luke had to stick our hands in our mouth to stop ourselves from laughing because of the way they looked. I giggled at turned to the camera "young love!" Luke said making both Rachel and Nikki look appalled. Me and Livi literally pissed ourselves. I had to say goodbye to the camera and turn it off we were laughing that much.

After two hours of driving I sat staring out the window. The sun was behind the clouds and it was raining slightly. My eyes suddenly felt heavy and slowly began to shut. Soon I was dozing lightly against the window.

Ross P.O.V

"What's the most embarrassing thing your parents have done?" Is the conversation I walked into when I walked into work that day. "Don't get me started!" Alex laughed at Chris' question. "Come on tell me!" Chris begged. "But there are so many! Oh hey Ross!" Alex greeted me as he saw me. "Good day!" I said our phrase as i sit in my chair. "Hey Ross! What's the most embarrassing thing your parents have done?" Chris asked me. I winced at the mention of my parents. "I'm not really close to my parents anymore. We don't talk often." I say truthfully. Me and my parents barely talk now. Not since they moved more inland and away from Bristol after i moved. I sighed and played with the wires on my desk. "That's to bad! I was sure that Ross Hornby would have some embarrassing moments!" Chris teased. I chucked "eat shit Trott!" He laughed so did Smiffy. I smiled and looked around our office. I do wonder why they moved. I was never told.

Alexia P.O.V


I yelped and shot up. Rubbing my sore forehead. "Ow! Stupid windows!" I mutter. I hear Nikki laugh. I face him. He's got my camera. And is recording me sleeping. That's totally not creepy at all. I look around everyone else is asleep apart from Mr Brothers who is driving. "Wakey Wakey!" Nikki cooed. I narrow my eyes "eat shit Nikki!" I hiss. He smiles and I pull out my Jaffa quest jumper from my bag and put it on. "it's so cold!" I wine. Nikki laughs "I can see my own breath!" I giggle. "I can smell it!" We both laugh quietly. "Your so annoying!" I say to him. He smiles "I get that a lot." I lean into my chair. "I know! Because I always tell you!" We snicker again quietly. Suddenly the mini bus did a violent jolt. Waking the others from their slumbers. "Where are we now?" Rachel asked half asleep. "Almost there!" Mr Brothers called from the front. I smiled. Then the bus turned up onto a dirt road. And after another 15 minutes of driving we pulled up at a quite large log cabin in the woods. "Looks like a place a murder could happen!" Luke exclaimed. I giggled "then you better stay in my good books!" We all laughed and got out. We walked up to the cabin and set down our things. As soon as me and Rachel saw the sofa we jumped on it and claimed it as our own. "This sofa is now the property of Diggy Diggy Dancer and How do I Play this Gamer!" We both yell our channel names. "And Dancing Dreamgamer!" Olivia cheered as she jumped on. "Noooo! We have been infiltrated!" Rachel yelled as she jumped on Olivia pinning her down. I cheered "the intruder is defeated!" Before I sprang off the sofa and onto the floor. "You three make an awful lot of noise!" Nikki said from behind the camera. I rolled my eyes. "Your recording! Again!" I yell. He nods. I laugh and go to my bag and pull out my portable wifi. I turned to Olivia who was in front of the camera saying "woe is me! We have no wifi!" She was acting all dramatic. I giggled "think again Dreamgamer!" I walked to the camera and revealing my tiny friend. "This Is my new best friend! PWD!" I say happily. "PWD?" Nikki seemed confused. I nod "yeah! It stands for Portable Wifi Device!" "You are weird!" Olivia told me. I smile "I know!" Then I remembered that we had to chose our rooms. I grabbed Olivia's hand and ran into the biggest bedroom. It had two large single beds inside. "Dibs!" We called. The boys came running in. "Oh man! We were going to have this room!" Nikki complained still recording. I smiled "well we beat ya to it!" They left in a sulk and i plugged in my PDW. I typed the password and checked my Twitter. We had a few song requests so i loomed them over. But one name stood out like a sore thumb. YOGSCAST Lewis and Simon. I screamed. "HOLY SHIT!!" And fell off my bed. My friends came running in. "Lexi! What's wrong?!" Nikki asked running and helping me up. "YOGSCAST!!" I yell. They look confused. I took a deep breath and held up my phone. "Lewis and Simon have sent us a song request!" Olivia and Rachel freaked. "Really?! What song?!" Rachel asked. I looked over the request. When I saw the song I burst out laughing. "So, what song is it?" Luke asked. I jumped on my bed and into the air. "Diggy Diggy Hole!"

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