CH18- leave us! We're having a moment.

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Lexi P.O.V

I got up slowly from my seat and looked at Hollie. "What!?" We both yell at each other. Ross and Alex share and confused look. "You two know each other?" Alex asked. I faced him and put a hand on my hip. "Noooo, I'm just yelling at a stranger for the fun of it!" I sneer sarcastically. "Alexia! Why are you here?" Hollie asked as we tried to get over what was happening. "You know my last name! FIGURE IT THE FUCK OUT!" I yell, unable to keep the smile of my face. Her mouth dropped open. "But you said that it was just a coincidence!" She pointed out. "I know. I know. I know!" I say putting my hands up in defence. "But he told me to!" I point at Ross. We Stare at each other. "This isn't normal." Ross muttered. "Shut up! We're having a moment!" Hollie said. I can't help but laugh. "This is so freaking cool! No wonder you said Smithy was your favorite, HE'S YOUR COUSIN!" We both let out an excited squeal and start firing random questions at each other. "Why did you say anything?" Or "How come you never told?" We done this for about 10 minutes. "Wait.wait.wait Wait!" Ross said getting up out of his seat. "How do you two know each other?" He asked. Me and Hollie both sigh. "We met on the first day, she said she had just moved here with her parents. Who are obviously Alex's Aunt and uncle so yeah. We're friends!" I explained. They still look confused. I just moan. "Fucking really!? Please tell me that you're pretending to be dumb asses!" Hollie exclaims. They laugh at us. "Wait. Lexi where's those Nurf guns?" Trott asked. "Up Simon's ass!" I smile. He chuckles. "What? No their not." Simon said spinning in circles looking at his backside. Me and Hollie laugh. "Well if you don't leave me alone they soon will be!" I tell him. He stops spinning and backs up to the door. "Well I know when I'm not wanted." I giggle and fold my arms. "It's not that your not wanted, it's the fact you keep shooting me with NURF guns because I stopped my channel." He smirks. "That's your faaauuult!" He sings as he leaves. I growl lightly. "Fuck you bitch." I mutter when he's out of ear shot. Hollie laughs. "This is the best day ever!" I nod. "Nothing could make it better!" I agree. "Well we have to go home and pack." Ross said. I huff. "And he goes and spoils it." He rolls his eyes. "You'll be back tomorrow." He tells me. I just stare blankly at him. "Your going to have to drag me out kicking and screaming." I tell him. Ross grins at me. "Is that so?" I've just realised what I said. "Wait! Wha-!" He launches at me, slinging my over his shoulder. "Let's go!" He says loudly. I scream and kick my legs. "Hey! Lemme go!" I yell. He laughs and puts my on my feet once we've left the office. I huff and blow some hair out of my face. "Bitch." I mutter. He just smiles. "Come on. It's almost 8 and we haven't even started to pack." I groan. "I hate it when your right!"
*to next day! (Because I'm lazy)*

"HOLLIE!" I scream as I run into the building. "ALEXIA!" I hear her scream back. I run into The Hat Films office and find her. She's on Smiths computer. I see Trott on his own. "Lemme guess. Legit builders?" I ask. They both nod. "So get yourself logged on and help us!" Trott said. I smile and run to Ross' computer log on. "Alexia..why did you fuck everything up?" Hollie asked as she looked at what was left if Hat Corp. "Hey! It was an accident! Anyway Ross done ten times the damage I done!" I protest as I fix the dryads cage. "Shouldn't we give Crystal and Chasidy a nicer place?" I ask Trott. "Nah! Their fine!" He answered. I roll my eyes and move on. Just as me a Hollie were battling a slime Ross and Alex came in. "Alright girl scoot!" Ross said. Me and Hollie looked up at them. "What?" Hollie asked. "Out! We need to make some more content before we leave tomorrow." Alex explained. I sigh and log off. "What are you two doing on our computers anyway?" Ross asked as he saw the minecraft server I was on. "They were helping me fix your mess Ross. But Alexia did add to it." Trott laughed. "Oh Fuck off will you! It was an accident, seriously!" I growl. Hollie laughs. "Come on. This gives us time to practice!" I nod. "Practice for what?" Ross asked. "Oh...I never told you, did I?" I say. He shakes his head. "No." I laugh nervously. "Well I was caught playing school instruments and have been forced to play in the choir with Hollie." I sorta half lie. Me and Hollie do one of those 'that's a complete lie' smiles and run out. We laugh and we ran up at the tiny kitchen area. "Yo got your guitar with you?" I ask. She shakes her head. "Nope." I sigh. "Maybe Sparkles* can lend us one!" I suggest as I make my way towards the recording studio. I knock on the door and walk in. Sparkles* is sitting with Simon and Lewis with a pen and paper. "We have most of the lyrics done. But there are some parts i just can't seem to make sense of." Sparkles* said as he tapped pen on paper. "Like what?" Lewis asked. Sparkles* passed him the not pad. Lewis read out the lyrics. "These kids will love their new home. Even if it's located in a nether biome. Sounds good to me!" Sparkles* nodded. "But I need one more part and that needs to rhyme." I pull Hollie in. "What you talking about?" I ask innoccently. They all look our way. Hollie hides behind me. I roll my eyes and pull her out. "We're just trying to figure out some lyrics." Simon told me. I nod. "For what?" I ask. "I know Christmas is months away but we're starting to write to Christmas song for the Yogs to sing." Simon explained. "And where having troubles finding another line that goes with 'even if it's located in a nether biome." Sparkles* said. I give him a confused look. "Well technically it's a dimension though. Right?" I ask. His head shoots up. "Say that again." He ordered. "I said. Technically it's a dimension though." I repeat. He smiles. "Perfect!" He cheers. "Huh?" Me, Simon and Lewis say. He scribbles on the note pad. "Listen!" He said as he grabbed a guitar and strummed the strings.
"These kids will love their new home.
Even if it's located in a Nether biome.
Technically, it's a dimension though."

He was about to stop strumming when i added.

"And there's no chance they'll see, any snow."

They all glanced at me. I shrug. "What? It fits!" Sparkles* nods. "To right it does, we'll be adding that." I roll my eyes. "Have you got a spare guitar that Hollies can use?" I ask. "What for?" He ask still writing. "For her to play!" I say. "Okay okay! Over there!" He said pointing at a small collection of guitars. Me and Hollie run over and she picks a guitar. Then we run out and into the empty common room. "Okay! Let's see what you can do!" I challenge.

I love the Xmas song.... I REALLY DO!!
PA ❄

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