Ch49 Christmas dance

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Lexi P.O.V

"I can't believe i made it to school on time." I moan as I sit in the music room at break. I had my blazer folded up into a pillow and was resting my head. "I'm surprised your alive." Kyle said as he struggled on his crutches. I smile weakly. Last night's stream killed me. As fun as it was and as mush as me and Trott messed about and as much as I laughed at the chicken nugget challenge, I was still half dead. "I watched that entire stream." Hollie said proudly. "I fell asleep." Cat said honestly. "Lucky bitch." I mutter. "My WiFi broke." Kyle pouted. I giggle and lift my head up. "Wow. I thought I had it bad." I say. He laughs. Suddenly Ruby runs in. "Tickets! The tickets for the Christmas dance are now on sale!" She announced. Cat grabbed my arm and tugged me out of my seat as everyone ran off. "Whoa! Cat! Lemme go!" I say as I pry my arm from her grip. "Aren't you coming to get a ticket?" She asked. I shake my head. "I'm not going." I tell her. She blinks. "How come?" She questioned. I sigh. "December is a busy time for the Yogs. Live streaming every night. Getting in those donations. And I wanna help." I tell her. She nods. "Okay. I'm gonna go get a ticket." Then she left. I slumped down in my chair and sigh. Should I go? I should at least ask. As I sit pondering weather I should ask or not I hear footsteps. They stop at the door. I look up the the the blond barbie doll that I despise. She stands there with scissors in her hand. She's staring at me. Not her usual icy death glare. This was a look of sadness and guilt. I raise my eyebrow in question, but she walks away. I get up from my seat and walk to the door. I look out into the empty corridor of lockers and doors to classrooms. She had vanished.

**Le magical time skip!**

I closed the door as I got home. "Ross!?" I call. No response. Nothing new. I drop my bag and balzer then slip off my shoes. Walking into the house. I can hear voices. Two. Ross' and a new unfamiliar voice. I walk into the living room to see Ross talking to a plastic Barbie doll. Blond hair (that looked like hair extensions) a fuck ton of makeup. (Where's the circus?? :0P). She wore a skin tight tee and really short shorts. (Sluut!!) Ross hadn't noticed me. So I lean against the wall and clear my throat. Making them both jump. "Hope I'm not interrupting anything?" I say sweetly. "Lexi!" Ross says in surprise as he jumps to his feet. I look over at the woman. She looks about 24. (And like a clown.) "Care to explain?" I ask. He goes red. "Well...This is Chloe. And she's my..girtlesh." He mumbled that last part. "Come again?" I urge. Already knowing the answer. He sighs. "She's my girlfriend." I scrunch up my face. Then return to my normal face. Blinking a few times. "Really? Since when?" I ask. "Since about a month ago." He said. I blink. "And you didn't tell me?" Chloe stepped in. "I told him not to. I'm sorry. He told me about what you've been through and I didn't want this to stress you out." She said kindly. She seemed nice. I chew the inside of cheek. Not knowing what to say. "Okay." I mumble. She smiles and holds out her hand. I shake it. Her her grip is strong and unfriendly. Her nails digging in. I pull my hand away and flex it. Looking at the marks. "Ouch." I say. "Oops. Sorry." She laughed. "My nails are really long."
'And fake.' I think as I look at my longish real nails. "Well I need to ask a question." I say as I turn to Ross. "Yea?" He said. "My schools having a dance on the 20th. Can I go? I have no streams as far as I know." I ask. He looks thoughtful. "What kind of dance?" He asked. "You know. Casual dress. Bring a date if you want. Just a night with your friends. It's on Saturday evening." I tell him. He nods. "Yes you can go." I jump and hug him. "Thank you!" Then I run upstairs to Skype Cat.

Something is up with Malissa. But what is it?????
Btw if you have any questions (they can be as random as you want) leave them in the comments. Each chapter from now on I will pick one and answer it. So ask away My Little Snowflakes! ;)
And here's a question for you to answer. Why do spiders exist?
There horrid!
(I'm only asking that because there's one about the size of my hand on my bedroom wall. °-°)

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