Ch51 dress shopping

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Media for later in'll see.
Ross P.O.V

I ran into the so called tower block. I can see why they call it that. It's like 20 stories high! Me, Smith and Trott run up the stairs. It takes us a few minutes to get to the top. And on the way we heard screams. Some from the ground below. One from above us. We ran to the top and found Cat and Leigh. Out of breath and leaning against the wall. Gasping for air. "Jesus. Are you two okay?" Smith asked. They nod breathlessly and point to a big blue door. With a sign that said:
'Ground keepers room. No unauthorised access to students without permission'

I look and Cat who nods before running in and finding a ladder. I climb up the ladder and come up onto the room. The wind is blowing like mad. Chilling me to the bone. Trott and Smith follow me up. "Fuck it's cold." Trott said as he huddled in his coat. I look around to see Alexia talking to a blond haired girl. The blond hand red, puffy eyes and a frightened face. Alexia I could tell was trying to calm her. I slowly approach them. "Alexia. What are you doing up here?" I ask like I don't already know. "You already know the answer you fuck nut." She mutters as she gets to her feet. I roll my eyes. She helps the blond to her feet. "Ross. This is my friend Malissa." She tells me. Malissa hides behind Lexi. Scared of me. She sighs. "I'm going to bring her dress shopping with us. So she can calm down and get her thoughts straightened out." I nod. "Come on. Let's get down." I say. She nods and takes Malissa's hand. Pulling her with her.

After we got out of the tower block. Lexi and her friends walked out of school and into town. She had left her school bag with me and taken the money she needed. But what surprised me was the way her friends acted around Malissa. Did they not like her?

Lexi P.O.V

I could tell that Cat, Leigh, Ruby and Hollie were not impressed with me brining Malissa dress shopping. They glared at her and made her feel uncomfortable. I don't blame them but. Come on! She just tried to jump! Because she's being abused. Cut her some slack. We went into a lot of dress shops. Looking through wracks and wracks of beautiful dresses. Of all colours. Nothing tickled my fancy. And Malissa just sat in silence.

Me and Cat flicked through another wrack talking to each other. "I just don't see anything I like." I mutter as I place a bright pink dress back on the wrack. (Ew) "Me neither." Cat sighed. I looked over at Malissa. She sat with her headphones in. Not talking. Her head hung. "I don't know what to do with Malissa." I sigh. Cat scoffs. "Just forget about her. She's done nothing good since you met her." She has a point. "But Cat. She's only like that because she's abused at home. I mean. What would you do if you were abused?" I ask hypothetically. "We l wouldn't make other people feel like shit! Why? What would you do?" She told me. "That's not what I meant! I was trying to make a point." I mutter. "Weeell, you failed." She said. I roll my eyes and move to a new wrack. I search for a bit. Then my eyes settle on a beautiful light blue dress. It was just over my knees and was long at the back. It was strapless and had a blue ribbon belt with a silver pattern. I pulled it off the wrack. "This one." I smile. I look over at Malissa. She's still sitting there. I sigh and walk over. "Hey you okay?" I ask. She looks up and nods. "Fine. Just thinking if I should but a dress or not." She mumbled. I sit next to her. "I can help. Here. What do you think of mine?" I hand her the dress I plan to buy. "it's beautiful Alexia. But I don't think I'll go to the dance." She sighed. I put my hand on her shoulder. "I think I've found a dress that you'll like." I say surely. She smiles and I pull her over to one of the wracks I looked at Earlier. I hunt through it. Trying to find the dress. "Aha!" I say as I sniff it out. I pull out a gorgeous purple knee length dress. It was a light lilac with a dark purple ribbon belt. It had one strap and it was a long piece of fabric that slung over the left shoulder. She gasped. "Oh my god. It's amazing." She gaped. I hand it to her. "Buy it." I tell her. She shakes her head and pushes it away. "I can't. I left all my money at home." I smile. "I'll buy it for you." I say. She looked at me in shock. "You'd do that?" She asked. I nod and walk up to the pay point.

After another hour of shopping for shoes and accessories we began to head for the towers. It was closest. We walked down a street of fancy houses. Seriously. They had walls and high fences with spikes. Wtf? We strolled past one house that Malissa stopped at. "You okay?" I ask. She had begun to get along with the others after shopping and started to enjoy herself. "This is my house." She moped. I grabbed her arm and pulled her away. "Come on. You aren't going back there." I tell her. She shakes her head. "No. I need to get some things. And my dad isn't in. He's a work till 7." She tells me. That's 40 minutes away. "Okay. We'll wait here." I say. She nods and runs up to her house.

20 minutes later she walks out with a small travel bag and a large rucksack. I nod and we continue walking. "Since you have no where to stay, you can stay with me." I offer as we approach Yogtowers. She smiles. "I'd like that." She says. I smile. "Great. Come on. I need to show Ross my dress!" I say as we stop at the entrance. "Bye guys." I wave as me, Hollie and Malissa walk into Yogtowers. We lead her up to the Hat Films office. "Hello Alexia, Hollie. And friend." Trott welcomed. I roll my eyes and sit my bags on the floor. "Ross. I need to ask a favour." I say to my brother. "Yeah?" He asked. "Malissa can't go home. So I was wondering if she might be able to stay with us? Just for now?" I ask. He looks at me. "Why can't she go home?" I wince and look her Malissa. She sighs and nods. "Her dad abused her!" I blurt. The room went so silent that you could hear a pin drop. I bite my lip and look at Smith. He looks shocked. "Okay. I need an answer." I say. Ross shakes his head. Bringing himself back to reality. "I guess she could stay for a while." He said slowly. I jump. "Yes!" Malissa beamed. "Oh thank you! Thank you!" She cried. She runs over and hugs me. The to Ross. Giving him a hug. "Yay! Friendship!" I cheer randomly. The joys of life.

Will you guys forgive Malissa? Pwetty pwease????? ○-●

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