CH4 - some dream

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Lexi P.O.V

I floated in oblivion. Nothing but darkness. I could hear a faint beeping but nothing else. I don't know how long I've been here for, a day...A week....A month!? I was sick of it already. But even after I've tried time and time again i just can't wake up. I'm crying and sobbing inside. So here I am, lying in nothingness. Suddenly I can hear a voices. All seem familiar so who could it be. My friends? No these are voices of adults. To be specific i think who ever they are they're male. Probably doctors or something. I'm guessing since I'm unconscious I must be in hospital and hooked up to a ton of machines. I listened to what they said but it was hard to. It was muffled at first but soon it became clear. "Come on! You've been here nearly a week now!" One said. "No! She's the sister I never knew I had! I'm not leaving! Not till she wakes up!" Another one argued. Wait wait wait! I think they got the wrong girl. I don't have a brother. Do I? "Ross I've never seen you like this...." a final voice said. "I may not have been close to my parent's but she was! And she is going to be heart broken about this! So it's my duty as her brother to help her!" Yup they definitely got the wrong girl! "I'm going to be the first thing Alexia sees when she waked up! I swear to that!" Holy shit! Okay so he's knows my name, that doesn't mean he's my brother who ever this person may be. He probably just read my bedside notes and-! Oh look some new voices! "Ross! We came as soon as we heard!" Okay I definitely know this voice. "We would have came sooner but Kiki and Pascal were being over playful when we got back!" No way! It can't be! Martyn and Kaeyi! In the little dream! "Please Lewis. I can't leave her." I'm getting confused. But I know who these people are but I can't put my finger on it. "Come on Ross! At least go and get some fresh air?" Some one asked. Come on Lexi! Say something! "I guess I could leave for a bit" my apparent brother said. "No.....wait.." my croaky voice says. I hear gasps. I use all my energy to force my eyelids open. They flutter open and i wince at the White light that's shining above me. I lifted my hand on blocked the light source. "Jeez! Their meant to help patients not blind them!" I hiss weakly. I feel like all my energy has been slowly drained from my system. "Martyn! Go get a doctor!" One of the many people who are around me say. I see the Martyn Littlewood practically run out the room I'm in. I look at the people around me. Yeah I'm still unconscious, because there is no way on hell or earth that Lewis Brindley, Simon Lane, Kaeyi Dream, Ross Hornby and Martyn Littlewood would be by my bed side in hospital. "Wow.....I'm having some dream!" I say. Simon snickers. "Alexia this is no dream!" Ross tells me. I shrug still not believing. "They all say that!". They all look confused. I look down realising that this was all real and my parents were dead. Fear hit me hard. What am i going to do? Tears fell onto my bed sheets as they slipped from my eyes. I never cried, ever. I felt a hand hold and squeeze my own. I look up at Kaeyi who is smiling reassuringly. I smile slightly and wipe my tears. Then Martyn comes in with the doctor. "Ah Alexia! Your awake!" The doctor said cheerily. "I think so..." I say quietly. After he checked me over he left me and the Yogs alone. I sat in silence feeling sorry for myself. What was i going to do? My parents were dead and I had no where to go. I was alone in this world that i knew nothing about. "Alexia. Do you know who I am?" Ross asked me. I nod "your Ross Hornby, a member of Hat Films" I say simply. He shakes his head. "I mean who I really am?" I wince. Should I tell him what I over heard? I don't respond. He sighed "Alexia, what's your last name?" I shake a little. "H-Hornby!" I stutter. He smiled "and what's mine?" I bit my lip to hold back the tears. "Hornby." I say. He nods "do you think that's a coincidence or are we family?" I didn't know what to say. So all I did was cry. "Hey, hey its okay!" He says. I shake my head. "No it isn't! My parents are dead and I would rather go to hell then go to a care home!" I sob. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "Your not going to a care home. Your staying with me." I wipe my eyes. "I have a large room that I don't use and what kind of brother would I be if I sent you away?" He asked me. I smile a tiny bit. "But I do have to give it a clean out and other stuff so you can't stay in there yet." He tells me. "But where do I stay till then?" I ask. Kaeyi jumps up "she can stay with me and Stinky! We have a sofa bed in the office!" She looks at Martyn with a pleading face. He nods "I was literally about to suggest that!" Then the doctor come back in with a blue folder with my name on. "Well Alexia your blood tests have come back normal and your free to go tomorrow!" He tells me before leaving. "Thanks unsociable barstard!" I hiss when he's out of ear shot. I hear Simon laugh. How was i not fangirling? I sigh and sit up. "Thanks for singing Diggy Diggy Hole" Simon says. I smile "it was my pleasure! I'd been waiting for someone to request that." I tell him truthfully. I gasp "oh fudge! Where's my phone!?" I practically yell. I scramble around in my bed. "Calm down!" Lewis said passing my phone to me. I snatch it up and switch it on. Hey Ho! Over 36 messages. I face palm. I love my friends and all but wow....This was just OTT! I read through them all. "Kill me...." I muttered. "What was that?" Ross asked. "Nothing just my friends being over protective!" I say smiling. I switch off my phone not replying to any of them. Soon a nurse comes in and tells everyone that they must leave and that only one can stay. Of course Ross stayed. After everyone left i feel asleep. I couldn't help it, I was just soo tired!


"Alexia! Welcome to the In The Little Dream flat!" Martyn said cheerily as he and Kaeyi lead me inside. I had just gotten out of hospital and Martyn took me straight here. As soon as we entered they're two Kittens Kiki and Pascal came running up to us. They weaved their way through my lower legs. I smiled and bent down to Stoke them. They were so fluffy! "They're so cute!" I cooed. Martyn laughed "come on! I'll take you to your room!" He takes me up stairs and waiting on the sofa in the office was some clothes and shoes sitting neatly. I look over at Kaeyi. She smiled at me and nodded. "We'll let you get settled! Come down stairs when your ready" Martyn told me. I nod and they leave me. The first thing I do is fling myself on the sofa bed and sob. I had managed to keep a smile on my face but now all I wanted to do was cry. I sob for about an hour. I just can't deal with the lose of my parents. I lay there my eyes red and wet. I sigh and close my eyes, and let sleep roll over me.
....happy? You should be!!

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