Ch34 first kiss

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I will choose the competition winners soon. I'm just giving time for others to take part. The winners will be chosen on Sunday. Or before then. Depends on how the story goes. Right now it's Friday. Boxing day. Merry boxing day every one.
Lexi P.O.V

Danny's lips were soft and smooth. But what did I know? This was my first kiss after all. He pulled away with a huge smile on his face. "I've been wanting to do that forever." He told me. I smile. "You haven't known me forever." I say smartly. He laughs. "Okay, since I first laid eyes on you." This makes me blush. "That was like two months ago." I smile. He smirks. "Actually more like two years ago." He corrected me. I had only had my old channel two and a half years. "Wow." I mumble. His smiled falls. "You don't feel the same way, do you?" He asked sadly. I put my hands up in defence. "No no no no no no no! I do!" I blurt. His huge smile appears again and i can't help but giggle. "But there's a reason I came here and it wasn't this." I tell him. He nods. "I know. This is just a bonus." I blush again. My god I need to stop that. It's becoming a habit. Danny sighs. "As you know. I'm dying. And nothing can save me. Nothing." He said it so calmly. I nod. I didn't fully understand the situation but i had to try. "I get it. And now I'm making it my job for you to have the time of your life! Before it ends." I say cheerily. "And how do you plan on doing that?" He asked. I grin. "The only way I know how..." pause for dramatic affect. "Video games." I finish. He rolls his eyes. "You play video games?" He asked sarcastically. I giggle. "No not at all. That's why my job is playing video games all day." I say laughing. "How do you suggest we do that?" He asked. I sigh. "Special affect." He raises an eyebrow. "What?" He questioned. "Special affect." I repeat. "It's a charity that helps people with disabilities and illnesses play video games." I explain. He looks thought full. "I guess we could try that." He says. I squeal. "Yay!"

Sorry it's short. But I'm not to we'll today and I can't think straight.

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