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Dooooon't kill me.

But before I can update again I need challenges for the Yogs Games. And Yogs to play them.

So far I have:

Hannah - Chubby Bunny challenge.
A challenge to see how many marshmallows one person can fit in their mouth and still say ''Chubby Bunny.''

Simon - The Bean Boozled Challenge
A pack of 20 jelly beans. 10 normal flavours. 10 abnormal flavours. The flavours are:

Top Banana/pencil shavings
Licorice/skunk spray
Coconut/baby wipes
Caramel corn/mouldy cheese
Chocolate pudding/canned dog food
Buttered popcorn/rotten eggs
Strawberry jam/centipede
Juicy pear/booger

And finally

Duncan - egg roulette

A challenge where you have 10 eggs. 5 raw and 5 hard boiled. And the first person to crack 3 raw eggs on their head loses.

Please give me a challenge and a Yog! Thank you!!


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