CH15- friendship scrap

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Ruby P.O.V

I looked over at Alexia's old friends. They didn't seem happy from the term old friends. "Guys? What are you doing here?" Alexia asked, getting up from her seat in the grass."we came to see how you were! We couldn't get to your phone! " One of the girls said as she pulled Alexia into a hug. "I'm fine Rachel. And I got a new phone because my other one smashed." Alexia said as she slowly returned the hug. "Why haven't you been adding content to you're channel?" A boy asked. Alexia ripped herself out of the hug. "What?!" She asked abruptly, glaring at the boy. "Is that why you guys came here?! My fucking channel?!" She yelled. "N-no! Not just that! We c-!"

"So mostly that!" She cut her so called friend off. "You wanna know why?! My parents just fucking burned to death and you expect me to make minecraft videos!" She was yelling at her four friends that stood before her. "No Lexi! That's not what I meant!" The boy argued. "Shut it Nikki!" Alexia screamed. He took a step back. "So you've just came here yo see how my channel was doing?! Not giving two shits about me!?" She yelled at them. "Alexia listen..." Nikki started as he took a step towards her. "No! Just leave me alone!" She said as she took a step away. Nikki got closer "Lexi-!"

"Didn't you hear her? Leave her be!" Kyle said stepping in front of Alexia. Nikki narrowed his eyes. "No! I'm trying to talk to her!" Kyle didn't flinch. "But she obviously doesn't want to speak to you!" Kyle shot. I jump up at this point. "Guys stop! Just calm do-!"

"Stay out of this!" Rachel growled at me. "Don't talk to her that way!" Hollie said standing next to me. Suddenly Alexia screamed and I looked over to her. That's when I saw Kyle on the floor with a bloody nose and Nikki with a clenched fist. "NIKKI!" Alexia shouted before she gave him a violent slap round the face. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" She yelled causing him to retreat back a few steps. She had anger burning in her blue eyes. "If you four don't get out of my sight I'm going to FUCKING SNAP!!" She roared. "But Lexi!" The other girl started. "No Olivia! Just go home! I never want to see any of you again!" Alexia bent down and helped Kyle to his feet. Nikki growled. "This is your fault!" He accused Kyle before he launched at him. Alexia panicked, pushed Kyle out of range and took the hit. She ended up on her back about a rulers length away from her original standing place. "Alexia!" Me and Hollie screamed as we ran over to her. She had a blood covered nose and a deep cut on her left cheek. Plus she was covered in dry, dusty mud. "Oh my god!" Nikki gasped. Lexi glared at him as tears fell from her eyes. "Just FUCK off!!" She yelled at them. All four of them looked at one another before they fled the scene. "Alexia, are you okay?" Chance asked, picking up all her belongings that fell from her pockets. She nods and gets up. "I need to go, I'm sorry." She wiped her eyes and grabbed her bag. "I'll see you at school tomorrow." She called as she ran out of the park.
Lexi P.O.V

I ran as fast as I could through the streets of Bristol. Ignoring all the confused stares. As soon as I reached the entrance of Yogtowers I spammed the buzzer. "Okay! Okay! Who is it?" Martyn answered. "It's Lexi!" I sob. I hear it click and I fling open the door. I see Martyn as I run in. His cheery smile faded as he sees the state I'm in. "Alexia! What happened?" He asked running over to me. I broke down into tears. What else could I do? My so called life long friends didn't actually care for me. He pulled me into a hug. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up." I nod and wipe my eyes, just touching the deep wound on my cheek. I flinch and pull away.

"What exactly happened to you?" Martyn asked as he wiped around the cut with an anticeptic wipe. I wince as my cut is cleaned. "Well, I was sitting doing my home work with my new friends talking about my old friends. And as if by magic their behind me. Suddenly Nikki gets into an argument with Kyle and the next thing I know Kyle's on the floor with a bloody nose." I look at the blood covered tissue in my hand, the one that had cleaned my own bloody nose. "And? How did you end up beaten?" Martyn questioned as he placed a large plaster on my cheek. "Well Nikki got annoyed when I helped Kyle and not him and tried to attack, but I got in the way and took the blow, ending up like this." I sigh sadly. "They didn't care for me, only my stupid channel!" He hugs me. "It's okay Lexi, you have us! You don't need them." He said reassuringly. I smile a teary smile and nod. "Come on, we best tell Ross about this." Martyn suggested. I nod and follow him out the room. "He's not going to take it all to well, is he?" I ask. He shakes his head. "Probably not." I sigh and we stop outside the office. I knock lightly and Trott calls "You may enter!" Like a noob. I smile slightly and open the door. As soon as i step in all eyes are on me. "Alexia! What the fuck happened to you!?" Ross almost jumped from one side of the room to the other. I sigh and repeat my little story to him. "Your friend done this to you?! Some friend!" Ross hissed. I roll my eyes. "It's fine. They won't bother me again." I tell him. He nods. "But you feel okay? No dizziness? Or-!" "Ross! I'm fine!" I cut him short. "Okay! I'm just making sure." He says. I laugh. "Just go play some GTA or worms or something!" He smiles and rolls his eyes. "I'm just-!" "Being and over protective brother? Yeah you are!" He laughs. I sigh and he wraps his arms around me, pulling he into a hug. "It's okay Alexia, just forget them. You have new friends now and I'm sure they'll be better then your old ones." I nod and smile. "Thanks Ross. Your a great brother." He smiles. "I know! And your a good-ish sister." I laugh. "Bitch! I can't believe you would say that!" He let's me go and I get up from my seat on the grey sofa. "So is Smithy bringing his cousin to Minecon?" I ask curiously. He nods. "Yeah, we got her sorted out and she'll come to Yogtowers two days before we leave." I nod and yell. "FRIENDSHIP!" Suddenly the door bursts open and Simon ran in. "Who's yelling!?" He shouted playfully. "Me!" I say proudly. He smiles and looks at the plaster on my cheek. "What happened?" He asked. I cross my arms. "I went street fighting, And I won!" Ross rolled his eyes. "She got into a scrap with her old friends." He explained. "Yeah, but my way sounds more awesome!" I look at Simon. "Why did you get into a fight?" He asked taking a seat. "Well, I haven't been uploading anything to my channel and they came to talk about that and obviously didn't care that my parents have....well you know." I sigh. "And I freaked at them but Nikki got into a fight with Kyle who was protecting me and I ended taking the blow." I feel the fluffy ness of the plaster against my cheek. "Well at least it wasn't to bad of an injury." Simon reassured me. I smile. "Yeah well I'm still sticking to my street fighting story." He chuckles. "You do what you want!" Before he left. "Street fighting? Really?" Trott asked from behind his screen. "Fuck you Trott! It's better then anything you could have thought of!" I hiss playfully. "Touche!" He sighs.

Sorry about the violence....IT COULD HAVE BEEN WORSE!!
Ahem...moving on! You like? Yay? Nay? Tell me!
PA ❄

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