Ch37 new friends!

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You wanna know the winners? Huh? Huh? Well here you go! I chose one for the Ship name and the other by random because I wanted to. The winners are...
Thanks for the ship name Lexan. I thought it was cute. Sorry for those who didn't get picked. Life's a bitch. Like me! :)

Lexi P.O.V

I could hear Malissa taunting the two girls. One had pinky-purple hair and the other had long brown hair with blue tips and read highlights. Malissa's gang, the 6 bitches, stood behind her. I found out who they were on my second week. When they tried to practically kill me. They were Katie, Jenny, Lily, Sophie, Caitlyn and Laura. And they were all as bad as Malissa. And easily got under my skin. Malissa walked over to the purple haired girl and tugged on her hair. The girl yelped. "Hey!" She growled. Malissa slapped her cheek. "Don't talk to me unless I talk to you!" Malissa hissed. I looked at Ruby and picked up my pace. "Malissa!" I called angrily. I turned to face me. But before she could utter a word I walked over and shoved her to the ground. "What the fuck are you doing?!" I yell at her. She grins and gets to her feet. "I'm giving the new girls some advice." I glare at her. "So you call slapping someone advice!" She nods. I shrug. "Okay then. Let me give you some advice." She gives me a confused look. "Go near them again and I will seriously hurt you. I have gone through enough lately and you are not helping!" I growl. She laughed. "So I heard. Your little gun incident." My blood boils. "You think it's funny!? You think it's funny that my brother Ross Hornby sat by my side for three weeks while I was unconscious!? You think it's funny that I almost lost my best friend Mark Turpin to a stupid hostage situation!?" I was yelling at the top of my lungs. My side was begging for more pain killers. And I had something to rub in her face. And believe me I was going to rub it in. Malissa backed up a bit. "So what if I do?" She smirked. Oh no she didn't! I growled and punched her smack in her face. She fell to the floor and her posse gasped. I looked at what i had done and put my hands to my mouth. My anger had taken me over and i physically harmed someone. Oops. I look at rhe two girls. "We gotta go!!" I yell. They nod and grab their bags. Joining me and Ruby as we run away from the scene. I looked up at Hollies she was getting away as fast as her crutches could go. I swooped down and grabbed my bags that we had left and ran out. Malissa and her gang were behind us. As we ran out the gates we caught up with Hollie. And I saw the best thing ever. Turps' car! As i spotted it he got out. "Lexi!" He waved. "Start the car!" I squealed. He gave me a confused look. "Just do it!!" I screamed. He doesn't argue and gets back in, turning on the car. I looked at the two girls running with me. "Get it the car!" The nod and help Hollie into the back and get in themselves with Ruby. I jumped into the front. "Drive drive drive!" I command. "Why?" Turps asked. "JUST DO IT!!" All of us girls yell. He jumped and began to drive. Just as we pulled away Malissa ran our if school, her nose bleeding and her lip cut. I sunk in my seat as we drove away. "Lexi what's wrong? And why are their 3 new people in the car?" Turps asked. "Well...I punched someone." I mumbled. "What!? Lexi why?!" He almost shouted. "She hurt her!" I pointed at the purple haired girl. "She laughed at me being shot! At me almost losing you!" I tell him. Tears in my eyes. He sighed. "That doesn't mean you punch her." He told me. "I didn't mean to! I got angry!" I yell at him. "She's a stuck up bitch who need to get a good beating!" I mutter harshly. The car came to a sudden stop. "Alexia! What a thing to say! What would Ross say if he heard you say that!?" Turps shouted. "I don't really give a shit! That girl is nothing but trouble!" I yell at him. I couldn't believe it. Me and Turps were full on arguing. "Alexia that doesn't mean yo-!"

"Fuck off!" I yell as I get out of the car. Slamming the door shut. I heard Turps get out as i stormed away. But before he could say my name i ran. I didn't know where, but I ran.

Turps P.O.V

"Alexia!" I called as she ran away. I sighed and got back into the car. "We're sorry sir." A girl with brown hair with blue tips and red Highlights said. "It's not your fault." I tell them. "Come on. I'll drop you all home and go find Lexi when she's calm." They nod and I start driving.

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